Search results

  1. darkonio

    Mop V4 death knight starting zone?!

    So what happened to the death knight starting area, why do we start in stormwind or orgrimmar?, is it really that broken at this current time or why does this teleport exist? should be corrected in future updates for blizzlike purposes.
  2. darkonio

    worgen quest sacrifices

    Thank you
  3. darkonio

    the quest "the suffering of shen zin zu"

    Thank you appreciate your effort.
  4. darkonio

    Pandaren starting zone gate not opening

    No problem but you forgot to tell me about the balloon that one needs some serious rework or at least more way points.
  5. darkonio

    quest warchief's emissary

    teleport to orgrimmar doesnt seem to work, as soon as you speak to sassy and select the given gossip, nothing happens. can be fixed with manual teleport or by creating a teleport quest starter.
  6. darkonio

    Goblin zone, quest: Final Confrontation

    Gallywix is not attackable, can be fixed by changing flags, but maybe rescript the whole event in the future for blizzlike purposes.
  7. darkonio

    quest the battle for gilneas city.

    Battle for gilneas is still kind of broken, as soon as you reach the stepps with liam he easily dies and completely resets the whole group.
  8. darkonio

    worgen quest sacrifices

    crowleys horse needs more health or less worgen should attack, you will die before you even reach the church.
  9. darkonio

    Worgen quest, by the skin of his teeth

    The quest itself works fine, but there are too many worgen coming at you, they can kill you very easily. So either you reduce their damage or their numbers, there are just way too many for 1 player.
  10. darkonio

    the quest "the suffering of shen zin zu"

    the quest "the suffering of shen zin zu" is broken too, the balloon just drops you half way.
  11. darkonio

    Pandaren starting zone gate not opening

    quest: Bidden To Greatness (quest to open Mandori Village Gate) unfortunately it doesn't work, so the Panda area is non completable at this point in time.
  12. darkonio

    Hello everyone!

  13. darkonio

    Your playerbots are absolutely stunning, keep going!

    Your playerbots are absolutely stunning, keep going!
  14. darkonio

    - Changelog V3 VIP | MoP VIP 3.0 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Current Mists of Pandaria VIP Release | Emucoach

    good job, even tho I wished we would have gotten more strategies for several bosses, but atleast we got some more commands, I wonder why we still haven't gotten any auctionhouse bot, that should be an easy task for someone who can make playerbots this impressive. Looking forward to the new...
  15. darkonio

    [Other] englich zu deutsch

    Sehr gut! Sehr gute Arbeit, weiter so.
  16. darkonio

    Low level bot not healing

    So I have experienced this quit alot now, the low level healer bot, even tho marked as healer doesnt seem to heal properly, he does it far too seldom. sometimes only the tank a little but it seems he attacks way more then he heals. In this screen you can see me standing here, with low life, and...
  17. darkonio

    Worgen starting area wrong graveyard

    There is a bug that happens during the middle of the worgen starting zone, inside the second area. When you die, you get transported to a graveyard that is way to far from your corpse, and if you play long enough this area where you spawn after releasing your corpse is completely under water...
  18. darkonio

    Need a new license

    Hello can you please generate me a new license for mop and cataclysm? It doesnt work since I changed to a new pc. Even generating one doesnt.
  19. darkonio

    Cata donload?

    there you go: Cata VIP GOLD
  20. darkonio

    StormGarde | Wildhammer 5.4.8 | Alpha |

    bump, really good for people who are still unsure if the vip mop is worth it. I can already tell it is but for all who are still sceptical, you can try it out comfortably on this server. :coffee:;)