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  1. brian8544

    Run serverside application with script

    Good evening EmuCoach community, Does anyone know if it's possible to run a server-side application with Windows through clicking a button on a website, perhaps anyone knows the technical name for it? I've checked AJAX but it looks like that only serves web-like stuff (php scripts as example)...
  2. brian8544

    MoP Repack works for me, but not others, online issues

    Not me, but heard good things about it (not sponsored xD xaxa) as example
  3. brian8544

    MoP Repack works for me, but not others, online issues

    Maybe this will help you out? :D
  4. brian8544

    3.3.5 a Chinese client

    zhCN is Chinese (People's Republic of China) according to Google. Interesting find, didn't knew such clients existed anymore.
  5. brian8544
  6. brian8544

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    Please create your own topic addressing this issue :)
  7. brian8544

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    Try this and report back:
  8. brian8544

    New to the scene, I feel like I've exhausted my resources. Any help is appreciated! Emucoach 7.3.5 repack setup

    This thread was very informatic and entertaining in some odd way for me, thanks for documenting your issues and causes/fixes. I bet this could come in handy for other newcomers :D Enjoy your server!
  9. brian8544

    New to the scene, I feel like I've exhausted my resources. Any help is appreciated! Emucoach 7.3.5 repack setup

    To do it an easier way bnetaccount create test@test test
  10. brian8544

    Kription-WoW 255 Fun Repack (NOOB FRIENDLY)

    I have never modified these files, some say it's still infected. I uploaded them ages ago 'as-is', be careful and run your own AV to see what's up :)
  11. brian8544

    New to the scene, I feel like I've exhausted my resources. Any help is appreciated! Emucoach 7.3.5 repack setup

    MySQL doesn't need to be port forwarded, this is a security risk :)
  12. brian8544

    New to the scene, I feel like I've exhausted my resources. Any help is appreciated! Emucoach 7.3.5 repack setup

    You are not wrong, it's just that this really depends on the router / network configuration he is using. Some don't 'understand' NAT-ting the external to internal network IP. I'm not sure if this repack supports localAddress on database, but the same could be configured in the Windows hostfile...
  13. brian8544

    New to the scene, I feel like I've exhausted my resources. Any help is appreciated! Emucoach 7.3.5 repack setup

    localAddress must be changed if you are hosting it on a DIFFERENT computer on the SAME LAN, and wanting to connect to it (PC_Lan01 to PC_Lan02 as example)
  14. brian8544

    New to the scene, I feel like I've exhausted my resources. Any help is appreciated! Emucoach 7.3.5 repack setup

    Make sure LOCALADDRESS has the IP from the local pc and ADDRESS from your ISP, example: localAddress: address: Perhaps you misconfigured these lines? It happens alot, so worth to recheck it. Let us know! :)
  15. brian8544

    New to the scene, I feel like I've exhausted my resources. Any help is appreciated! Emucoach 7.3.5 repack setup

    You don't have the origin dll's which the source code has been compiled with, are you sure the ones' you are using came with the origin repack package?
  16. brian8544

    Count To 2.000

  17. brian8544


    Nice person, free bump ^^
  18. brian8544

    /wave @ emus

    Welcome to the community!