Search results

  1. I

    Mists of Pandaria 5.4.7 Repack npcbot(BAD)

    This repack have playerbots? really? wow
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    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    i used this ,best single wow
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    ShadowCore 9.0.2 Repack (WoW - Shadowlands)

    And "BFA CORE" since uwow leaked, so it's basic uwow? :D
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    ShadowCore 9.0.2 Repack (WoW - Shadowlands)

    How much playable? "space" button working? :D the starter expasions always unplayable
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    Nordrassil legion 7.3.5 wow uwow sharing our source and databases

    I have a very stable uwow leak, but Argus zone the quest don't see in minimap, or map, your server work or not?
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    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    This repack eat 32gb ram, and i off all cpu and momory move type, i think this repack is a bit weird
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    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    Hurry, someone not only shar mega, cause always buged, good
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    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    nice i'll try! :)
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    Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2023.04

    Anti cheat not working
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    Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2023.04

    Missing name Warden.NumInjectionChecks in config file S:/Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2.2/core/worldserver.conf, add "Warden.NumInjectionChecks = 9" to this file Missing name Warden.NumLuaSandboxChecks in config file S:/Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2.2/core/worldserver.conf, add...
  11. I

    LegionCore 7.3.5 Repack - Version 2020_04_25_Final

    U will try add for this core npcbot or playerbot?
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    Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2023.04

    Lookslike cool ill try
  13. I


    Ur links are broken
  14. I

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    Any custom script? Instance ,spells,quests work 100%?
  15. I

    Battle companion

    Hello all! I want to fighter guardian companion, like now just fight and protect me, and i dont know its possible?