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    Stormwind Infantry Text

    The Stormwind Infantry in the Human starting zone spam text pretty Frequently I don't believe they're supposed to spam that much, the probability should be lowered maybe? Here's an imgur. To duplicate this make a human and login to the starting zone and wait a few...
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    Fix Twilight Flame Caller Equipment

    Fix Twilight Flame Caller Equipment V8 The weapon id for Twilight Flame Caller(39708) seems to be wrong. This is a quick fix for the correct weapon.
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    Eternian Like Server

    I'm wondering if anyone would enjoy an Eternion-like server with similar stats, NPC quests etc. I have an old database released from a repack a while back containing a lot of stuff the original had, but it's simply a repack so it's limited. And it being 4.0.6 requires custom patches with amounts...
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    Doris Chiltonius

    Doris Chiltonuis, An NPC that sells PVP gear. Seems like Doris Chiltonnuis, the NPC that sells gladiator Cata gear isn't selling the right gear, but in fact, is selling vicious which is not correct. Also, it's possible that Sergeant Thunderhorn(to the right of Doris) isn't selling the...
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    A Vision of the Past[quest]

    Seems like the quest A Vision to the Past isn't working properly. Whenever I click on Incense Burner(58147) it keeps saying I need to be in the deadmines, whereas I clearly am. Never tested the quest in retail but I suppose it works whenever you click the incense.
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    Therazane in Deepholm

    Seems like Therazane is just sitting in Temple of Earth in Deepholm, she's an npc: Don't think she's supposed to be there. Or possibly it's supposed to be some kind of phase or event, I'm not entirely sure. Looked up Therazane and seems like they're...
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    Mmap pathing

    Is it just me or is the pathing off for isle of quel'thalas? Imgur: The magic of the Internet
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    Infernal Attacker

    [Name, Type] Infernal Attacker, NPC [What it does] Seems like a few infernal attackers are invisible? While some are not? [What it should do] Not be invisible
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    C++ related question.

    Anyone know what the script would look like to remove an aura/buff when a player casts a certain spell through c++? I've tried a few things but I'm not entirely sure I know if that's the best, or even right way of doing it. To mention I am quite new to c++. I am using a...
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    Bat Rider Guard in Zangarmarsh

    [Name, Type] NPC guards in Zangarmarsh, npc [What it does] The guards are putting me in combat for some reason, seems like they think i'm opposite faction? But then they stop trying to combat after me and return to their original position. [What it...
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    Broggok Blood Furnace Boss Issue

    Blood Furnace Boss Issue(s) [Name, Type] The Blood Furnace Boss Broggok, Boss Blood Furnace Quest, Quest [What it does] Boss encounter doesn't seem to be working. Whenever you hit the trigger no enemies come out of their cells to attack you. And you're able to open the gate that...
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    Zeth'Gor Must Born!

    [Name, Type] Zeth'Gor Must Burn!, quest [What it does] The quest works properly, but there's one problem. Whenever you use Smoke Beacon everythings good, but it's the spot you have to place it to get the quest to actually get complete. It seems like you have to nail the Beacon right on the...
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    Cmake problem

    I'm using a Trinity source that used to work for me using Visual Studio 2013, but I recently cleaned my C drive which contained some stuff for visual studio and I guess in doing so must have broke Visual Studio 2013 from working properly with Cmake or any source of that matter. It's a built upon...
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    Abyssal Flamewalker

    [Name, Type] Abbysal Flamewalker, Creature [What it does] The Creature is invisible with the current display id [What it should do] The creature should be visible. creature id: 25001
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    BUG - Reputation

    [Name, Type] updating reputation display, All [What it does] Reputation doesn't seem update in-game with the command and doesn't display the correct rank for that faction. Need to restart my game and delete cache [What it should do] Reputation should be automatically update and show where you're...
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    [Request] 4.3.4 Trinity All In One Trainer

    Hello, members of Emucoach. Today I'm looking for an NPC that is a trainer and contains all spells for every class. A global NPC essentially, or at least something similar. Would be greatly appreciated!