Search results

  1. Likon69

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    what is the name of the server you are trying to play on? It has problems with the navigation
  2. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  3. Likon69

    Addon for Cataclysm Bots (German)

    nicee bro
  4. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  5. Likon69

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    look at the bot's logs it can tell you everything
  6. Likon69

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    it's an addon...
  7. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    follows the guide the hbrelog must launch the bot at least for the first time. Check if you have changed the hosts correctly. If you execute auth. If you use wow in window
  8. Likon69

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    change hosts, run auth
  9. Likon69

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    Good game :)
  10. Likon69

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    There is a link proposed on this topic
  11. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    or come discord and write me i you help
  12. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    You had to follow the guide. It says in the guide that you have to run the wow with hbrelog. If you don't do it on windows 10 the game will crash with this error. This problem comes from directx9 on windows 10 look video guide pls
  13. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    because of the server. Emulation is badly done
  14. Likon69


    it's an honorbuddy botbase right?
  15. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  16. Likon69

    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    hahaha what makes you say that?
  17. Likon69

    Honorbuddy for Mists of Pandaria!

    select the right mount in the bot settings. And not all wotlk profiles use the flay. depending on where you are in the zone. come discord.
  18. Likon69

    Count To 2.000
