Search results

  1. eyerobot

    15631 Spotlight

    Should not have instance flags in SAI as it causes console errors -- 15631 Spotlight UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartAI' WHERE `entry` = 15631; DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE (`entryorguid`=15631 AND `source_type`=0); INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`...
  2. eyerobot

    4284 Scarlet Augur 4285 Scarlet Disciple

    These creatures are not in an instance, They are out side, their scripts caused console error spamming, And was changed to non instanced scripts. -- 4284 Scarlet Augur 4285 Scarlet Disciple UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartAI' WHERE `entry` = 4284; DELETE FROM `smart_scripts`...
  3. eyerobot

    Character Migration to Npcbot Version Emucoach repack

    Make a backup of your existing databases by right clicking and choose sql dump, Check the boxes next to drop and create first. These should be emucoach-auth, emucoach-char, And emucoach world databases, However they are currently named. Rename your old _Server Folder to _Serverbak Extract the...
  4. eyerobot

    12676 Sabotage

    Wrong target creatures, Broken spells. ect. -- 12676 Sabotage UPDATE `quest_template` SET `RequiredNpcOrGo1` = 28778 WHERE `Id` = 12676; -- 39165 Explosive Charges -- 52315 Place Charges -- 28778 Scourgewagon Bunny UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartAI' WHERE `entry` = 28778...
  5. eyerobot

    12673 It Rolls Downhill

    This is still a little buggy, When a Geist harvests a blight crystal and runs through his waypoints, It seems to cause all of the Geists to despawn or die. It may be caused by the control spell hitting all of the Geists instead of just one. I set their respawn timer to 30 seconds to make up...
  6. eyerobot

    29863 Persistence 28518 Stefan Vadu

    Mount and Rider. Fixes spawning, pathing, mounting, vehicleid, Spells, and scripts. and removes wrong spawns. -- 29863 Persistence UPDATE `creature_template` SET `InhabitType`=4 WHERE `entry`=29863; UPDATE `creature_template` SET `VehicleId` = 203 WHERE `entry` = 29863; DELETE FROM...
  7. eyerobot

    12663 Reunited

    -- 12663 Reunited -- 28666 Gorebag UPDATE `creature_template` SET `speed_walk`=2.4, `speed_run`=0.992063, `AIName`='SmartAI' WHERE `entry`=28666; DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE (`entryorguid`=28666 AND `source_type`=0); INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`, `source_type`, `id`...
  8. eyerobot

    12919 The Storm King's Vengeance

    Ok this doesn't work exactly as intended, And i'm not sure that the grab and throw spells work at all. But it pre spawns a Gymer vehicle, So that when you click the non vehicle Gymer, It won't give you the invalid target error. The reason is because using summon creature or the summon Gymer...
  9. eyerobot

    191548 Scourge Enclosure Cage Open Timer Adjust

    -- 191548 Scourge Enclosure UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `data2` = 120000 WHERE `entry` = 191548;
  10. eyerobot

    29453 Vargul Plaguetalon Flying Fix Zul'drak

    -- 29453 Vargul Plaguetalon UPDATE `creature_template` SET `InhabitType` = 4 WHERE `entry` = 29453;
  11. eyerobot

    12914 Gymer's Salvation Loot Fix

    -- 12914 Gymer's Salvation -- 41504 Banshee Essence DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE `entry`=29646 AND `item`=41504; INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootmode`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`) VALUES (29646, 41504, -75, 1, 0, 1...
  12. eyerobot

    28243 Thrym Speed Adjustment Zul'drak

    -- 28243 Thrym UPDATE `creature_template` SET `speed_walk` = 3, `speed_run` = 3.14286, `MovementType` = 2 WHERE `entry` = 28243;
  13. eyerobot

    12652 Feedin' Da Goolz

    The original scripts had nothing to do with these creatures. -- 12652 Feedin' Da Goolz -- 38701 Bowels and Brains Bowl -- 52023 Summon Bowl -- 28565 Decaying Ghoul UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartAI' WHERE `entry` = 28565; DELETE FROM `smart_scripts` WHERE...
  14. eyerobot

    12629 You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

    Fixes Gooey Ghouls to give quest item. -- 12629 You Can Run, But You Can't Hide -- 55364 Create Ghoul Drool Cover Non Working -- 38687 Gooey Ghoul Drool Item -- 29856 Gooey Ghoul Drool UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag` = 1, `AIName` = 'SmartAI' WHERE `entry` = 29856; DELETE FROM...
  15. eyerobot

    29700 Drakuru Shackles Causing Duped Captured Rageclaws In Zul'drak

    C++ 12861 Trolls Is Gone Crazy! Quest Zul'drak Lights Breach Horde 29700 Drakuru Shackles has the script npc_drakuru_shackles, Which targets the captured rageclaws. But it is causing two duplicates to spawn on top of each statically spawned rageclaw. I read an update from another dev that said...
  16. eyerobot

    12637 Near Miss

    -- 12637 Near Miss -- 28532 Bloodrose Datura UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` = 'SmartAI' WHERE `entry` = 28532; DELETE FROM `gossip_menu` WHERE `entry`=21232 AND `text_id`=13289; INSERT INTO `gossip_menu` (`entry`, `text_id`) VALUES (21232, 13289); DELETE FROM `npc_text` WHERE...
  17. eyerobot

    14308 When Science Attacks

    I wasn't able to get the burning interns to run. But they do move around randomly and give quest credit. -- 14308 When Science Attacks -- 49132 Fireliminator X-21 -- 68283 Extinguish -- 69635 Fire Extinguisher Aura -- 68294 Immolation -- 36061 Research Intern UPDATE `creature_template` SET...
  18. eyerobot

    14423 Dozercism Database Fixes, Needs Spell Fix

    -- 68007 Airdrop a Priest is the spell the flaregun uses, It needs fixed. -- The rest of this will most likely fix the remaining parts of the quest. -- 14423 Dozercism -- 49350 Blessed Flaregun -- 68007 Airdrop a Priest -- 36552 Airborne Goblin Priest UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName` =...
  19. eyerobot

    Winter Veil Date

    -- Winter Veil Date DELETE FROM `game_event` WHERE `eventEntry`=2; INSERT INTO `game_event` (`eventEntry`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `occurence`, `length`, `holiday`, `description`, `world_event`) VALUES (2, '2017-12-16 16:00:00', '2030-01-02 00:00:00', 525600, 25920, 141, 'Winter Veil', 0)...
  20. eyerobot

    14209 Gunk in the Trunk

    -- 14209 Gunk in the Trunk -- 67689 Ghostly Backfire -- 35526 Clubnik's Dozer UPDATE `creature_template` SET `MovementType` = 1 WHERE `entry` = 35526; UPDATE `creature` SET `spawndist`='10', `MovementType`='1' WHERE `id`= 35526; UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag` = 16777216 WHERE...