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  1. Jivani19

    V15 Boss Bug "Echo of Baine" NPC=54431

    ;) (y) :)
  2. Jivani19

    V15 Boss Bug "Echo of Sylvanas" NPC=54123

    u are a Boss ty Exo (y) ;)
  3. Jivani19

    V15 Bug spell Holy Priest "Echo of Light" 77489

    For you a Priest Heal, with dungeon stuff can go to over 200k+ HPS, stacking heals to multiply the echo of light.
  4. Jivani19

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    ty so mutch and u welkom :) (y) ;)
  5. Jivani19

    V15 bug Spell Mage "Deep Freeze" 44572

    Class: Mage Race: Human Female Faction: Alliance Level: 85 Bug: Spell "Deep Freeze" Id Spell: 44572 URL: comment: The mage spell does stun the target but does not inflict any damage to the target, no matter if you play the Glyph it does nothing at...
  6. Jivani19

    V15 bug Spell Mage "Deep Freeze" 44572

    I know the mage spell perfectly. Know that I don't play mage frost since Emucoach but since its release on the official, I can have good crit with this spell no matter the target, the target can be immune to stun but not damage, Freeze damage can crit at 100k +, so I don't know how you can claim...
  7. Jivani19

    V15 Bug spell Holy Priest "Echo of Light" 77489

    Again you don't read and I ask if you study the game deeply, I spend my time on it when I have the opportunity and I start with the classes I like to play the most on this expansion, make yourself a priest with the indicated spec and try to understand the mechanics well, without that you won't...
  8. Jivani19

    V15 Boss Bug "Echo of Baine" NPC=54431

    Class: Paladin Race: Human Male Faction: Alliance Level: 85 Bug: Boss Bug "Echo of Baine" NPC iD: 54431 Localisation: Dungeon "End Time" Mapd ID: 938 Zone: 5789 Area: 5792 URL: Video: Baine in the spraying phase of a...
  9. Jivani19

    V15 Boss Bug "Echo of Sylvanas" NPC=54123

    Class: Paladin Race: Human Male Faction: Alliance Level: 85 Bug: Boss Bug "Echo of Sylvanas" NPC iD: 54123 Localisation: Dungeon "End Time" Mapd ID: 938 Zone: 5789 Area: 5790 URL: Video: Sylvanas from time to time...
  10. Jivani19

    V15 CATA VIP Wotlk Ulduar Raid Not Working

    you can activate it in the DB on "access_requirement".
  11. Jivani19

    V15 Bug spell Holy Priest "Echo of Light" 77489

    Class: Priest Race: Human Female Faction: Alliance Level: 85 Bug: Spell "Echo of Light" Id Spell: 77489 URL: The spell "echo of light" of the Holy priest is the object of a bug which advantages the players, this one does not know any limit, with...
  12. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD/MOP/ For CATA 4.3.4 (15595) => 111 models

    Thank you friend, you are a saviour. :) ;)(y)
  13. Jivani19

    Mounts SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD/MOP/ For CATA 4.3.4 (15595) => 111 models

    A lot of my projects are lost because I had a broken hard drive, very sorry, anyway welcome. :cry:
  14. Jivani19

    V15 bug Spell Mage "Deep Freeze" 44572

    Class: Mage Race: Human Female Faction: Alliance Level: 85 Bug: Spell "Deep Freeze" Id Spell: 44572 URL: comment: The mage spell does stun the target but does not inflict any damage to the target, no matter if you play the Glyph it does nothing at...
  15. Jivani19

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    Hello, to be able to click on the live link you need to be at least a VIP. What you see is the result of this patch, so you can see the testimonials of those who tested it. (y) ;)