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  1. Mr. Satan

    Count To 2.000

    People can't count, apparently - fixed it though 43
  2. Mr. Satan

    Count To 2.000

    39 It's been a few days, but just to add a warning, since 2 different people did it - adding "2000" to the post is not funny. There's jokes, then there's cringe. Learn the difference. Punitive action will be applied to those intentionally post the incorrect number, as that is considered...
  3. Mr. Satan

    portable msql for my server

    Just take the 'Server' folder, open the MySQL server using something like HeidiSQL/Navicat, etc, then delete everything in it - completely wipe it empty. You now have a portable MySQL server ready for use in setting up your own core/repack.
  4. Mr. Satan

    [trinity/mangos/arc] CharImport - Character Converter/importer[EN/GER]

    I haven't worked on it since that post, and I recently got a new PC so I haven't properly transferred over all my files yet, so sadly I don't have it working currently
  5. Mr. Satan

    Bag slot size

    I believe this is a client issue. Technically the bag exists with 40 slots but the client can't handle it. I wouldn't know if there's a way to change that in the client itself, but I don't think it's possible.
  6. Mr. Satan

    Count To 2.000

  7. Mr. Satan

    Count To 2.000

    I've been a bit busy these past few days so I missed the 1000 count on the last thread I see you changed it to 2,000 from 5,000. If I'm remembering correctly, the old thread used to be to 10,000, but we changed it as the thread would never get there with how slowly it was moving at the time. 6
  8. Mr. Satan

    Count to 1000...

    Thread has been locked, we've hit the 1000 post goal. Apparently a new one has been started here:
  9. Mr. Satan

    Dragonwrath legendary staff

    I moved this thread to this section ( This is the correct location for reporting bugs, otherwise developers might not see it in time, if ever. While I'm not a developer. the repack is meant to be 100% blizzlike in the long run. So if...
  10. Mr. Satan

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    Glad you got it figured out, at least. It's been at least 3 to 5 years since I've hosted a private server for public use, and even then I rarely did it, so I don't have a lot of experience in that field, so I couldn't really help much other than the basics. Thanks for posting what fixed it for...
  11. Mr. Satan

    What was your first experience with WoW private server?

    Anything with MoP or Draenor will likely take a very long time before it gets developed enough to be considered 'good'. I do want a WoD repack as well, as I quite liked garrisons, I used it as a 'private mini-city' so I could go to the bank/AH/repair/etc in a layout that I had a fair amount of...
  12. Mr. Satan

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    You said you disabled Firewall, but what about your anti-virus entirely? I've had my anti-virus block connections before. If all else fails, you could just change the port used by worldserver.conf to a different, unused port and see if the connection will be allowed. To do that, just go into...
  13. Mr. Satan

    What was your first experience with WoW private server?

    I can definitely relate to that. It's hard to find not only a well developed server, but also owners of that server with actual dedication to keep it going, then on top of that, it'd need to be on some sort of bullet-proof hosting, otherwise it'd get too big that Blizz would get it taken down...
  14. Mr. Satan

    [RELEASE] Mond-WoW Database Leak

    I have locked this thread to prevent further confusion. The link is down/removed. I will unlock it if Jack re-uploads the files.
  15. Mr. Satan

    [Release] Mond-WoW Source+precompiled binaries

    I have locked this thread to prevent further confusion. All links are confirmed down/removed. If Jack re-uploads the files, then I will re-open this thread.
  16. Mr. Satan

    ~~How To Get Lifetime Spotify Premium~~ FREE!

    I've never tried this myself, but from what I've seen in the posts of this thread is that the method no longer works. With this, I can't imagine Spotify hasn't figured it out by now, but who knows? ?‍♂️
  17. Mr. Satan

    How to make your Emucoach server public.

    So I'm assuming it's all working now? If so, glad to hear you found the problem and got it fixed. Thanks for posting the solution as well, as this might help any others with the same problem in the future.
  18. Mr. Satan

    V13 resurrecting

    Actually not sure on that one. It's been a long time since I've played any WoW, so I can't remember. Maybe this might help, unsure if this was a feature in Cata/4.3.4 or not.
  19. Mr. Satan

    V13 resurrecting

    The bots still could've been registered as in-combat - maybe the bug is that bots stay in combat for too long Try to test it and verify if bots are in combat or not, if possible, as that would give the devs a much bigger understanding of the issue.
  20. Mr. Satan

    Mop World Best repack 5.4.7

    I have locked this thread to prevent further confusion. The link is down, if the original post author contacts me with a new link, then I will unlock this thread.