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  1. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  2. Blackvision

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Okay, strange xD Tested it before uploading it to Emucoach :) Let me just remove that one again
  3. Blackvision

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Okay. Mark the world DB, then click on Query, and then just copy everything from the main thread to the empty field just below "Query", after that, just execute it from the "play" icon. You might want to delete dungeon names
  4. Blackvision

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Are you using HeidiSQL or Navicat ? :)
  5. Blackvision

    Modern Design | RESHARE |

    bump ....
  6. Blackvision

    [NPC] Pet battle quests are not available

    @ExO Any news to this ? :)
  7. Blackvision

    [NPC] Deadmines has an instant wipe boss

    Run the queries from this thread to fix over scaled mobs
  8. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  9. Blackvision

    [NPC] [Stormwind Stockade] Petty Criminals are doing way too much damage

    Run this in your world DB UPDATE creature_template set mindmg = 33, maxdmg = 44, attackpower = 80, dmg_multiplier = 1 WHERE entry = 46382;
  10. Blackvision

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Thread has been updated