Search results

  1. V

    Your favorite race / class?

    Human Priest. I had it since Legion and I loved it ever since
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    Count To 2.000

  3. V

    Rude People

    I don't like rude people, I try to avoid them just to not cause a situation
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    Eating with chop sticks?

    I wanna learn how to use Chopsticks, but for the meanwhile I'll just use a fork and knife
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    Bacon or Sausage?

    Sausage, Bacon is too fatty for me
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    Favorite Repack

    NPCBOT Repack, none of my friends really like playing WOW
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    How do you spend your time when not playing computer games?

    Spending it with the Family, I love it
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    Chores you hate doing?

    Vacuuming the whole upstairs area, it takes alot of muscle, which i don't have
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    Sleeping with or without background noise?

    With. I just have a hard time sleeping without some kind of background music
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    how many time do you play at day ?

    Whenever I have freetime
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    Do you enjoy cooking?

    I love to cook!
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    What helps you relax?

    Listening to music
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    ExtendedCost List - Cataclysm!

    Thanks! This helps a lot!
  14. V

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Looks Cool, will have a look