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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

Mr. Satan

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so i am new here. Hey all. Just wandering, are starting zones working? More intresting about Worgen.

Yes, mostly. I was able to get out of the worgen starting area, although I had to cheat complete some of the quests. There's one or two quests that puts the character on a carriage, which I don't think those are fully scripted yet, so you'll have to cheat complete the quest, then turn on gm fly and modify speed to about 5, or just walk there, to get where the quest marker is. The only problem I've had was the goblin starting area, but that was on v4 so idk if it's fixed or not, but I couldn't get the quests to get off the island.

I think its not just little bugged,its bugged like hell.And there is no difference between left and right mouse button,relog dont fix enything as well...This is server side problem for sure.

What race are you? I haven't noticed this so it could be your race or client sided but seem server sided. For me, some animations seem to break, such as swimming where I'll just be standing completely still in the middle of a lake, under the water. I think this is client sided, but I'm not sure. Maybe try re-setting up this server, not replacing your main server of course, but just to test it. Auto level a character to 30 for example, and try the board. If it's still a problem, then my best guess is its your client.
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I'm noticing a couple issues with something possibly on my side. Sometimes the animations mess up, and I'm not sure if it's the client or the server. Like sometimes I'll type /sit or /lie and the animation wont play out, or if I'm swimming and stop while still in the water, my character just stands in the middle of it instead of playing the swimming animation. Is something like this a known bug/fixed in an updated version? Or is that just my client?

Also, you said earlier version 6 would be made public in about a month of two, but if I bought the vip for a year, would version 7 most likely be included in that year time frame? Also what kind of things are in the VIP section? Like scripts, addons, anything like that?

Sounds strange. I'll try to see if I can confirm it. Of course. VIP is one version ahead, so if v.6 became public, v6.1/v7 would be the next one available for download for VIPS. It includes releases(scripts etc), services, accounts, information etc.

Thanks for the answers. I'll wait releasing version 6, because for me it is impossible to pay the VIP zone. Greetings
No worries :)

I think its not just little bugged,its bugged like hell.And there is no difference between left and right mouse button,relog dont fix enything as well...This is server side problem for sure.
Sounds like an issue from your side. Works just fine for me.

I just tried it, human first leveling zone is broken pretty much.

P.S i can't loot anything.
In V.5 it's not really pretty much broken :l You must have .gm off, or weird things and encounters will happen. But while we speak about human zone, all quests etc are fixed for v6.1.
But it's issues from your side to be honest, the loot issue clearly states that.

so i am new here. Hey all. Just wandering, are starting zones working? More intresting about Worgen.
Welcome in that case! :)
Currently first goblin zone is (playable ish), and Worgen is better. But currently LKArthas (developer) is working on goblin, and it's "just" the last zone part left to script. The rest is working pretty good - but it's changes that isn't included before version 6.1.
A few quest fixes have also been applied to worgens, but also first included in version 6.1.

Hopefully it answers your question :)

Yes, mostly. I was able to get out of the worgen starting area, although I had to cheat complete some of the quests. There's one or two quests that puts the character on a carriage, which I don't think those are fully scripted yet, so you'll have to cheat complete the quest, then turn on gm fly and modify speed to about 5, or just walk there, to get where the quest marker is. The only problem I've had was the goblin starting area, but that was on v4 so idk if it's fixed or not, but I couldn't get the quests to get off the island.

^^ Current state of version 5.


Trial Member
@ExO yes loot issue was mine sorry about that, i'll try to play as a normal character and see how things work out. and is there any date for next version?
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Verified Member
Hello @ExO,
so i installed this repack 4.3.4 today and it works great. However when my friend joins he gets to the
realm screen, he sees the realm but it doesnt let him log-in as it just says "Logging Into game server" then nothing happens.
We have tested many different ways to connect. Portforward, Tunngle and local all with the same result. Thanks in advance.

Mr. Satan

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@ExO yes loot issue was mine sorry about that, i'll try to play as a normal character and see how things work out. and is there any date for next version?

He said earlier that it would be released in 1 to 2 months. That means some time in June or July, most likely.
VIP already has access to the next version early, but the public version is 1 version behind.

Hello @ExO,
so i installed this repack 4.3.4 today and it works great. However when my friend joins he gets to the
realm screen, he sees the realm but it doesnt let him log-in as it just says "Logging Into game server" then nothing happens.
We have tested many different ways to connect. Portforward, Tunngle and local all with the same result. Thanks in advance.

Are all of the ports open?
Also, the IP's you set cannot be for him to join. I believe there is an IP for the realm, along with the server itself. I haven't dealt with making it public for a while, so this may be wrong, but still look around for the realm's IP. I believe it's in the database.


Verified Member
What shall i set it to (we are currently using tunngle and because of that its the 7.*** ip adress)


I belive it has something to do with the actual server. since ive tried alot of ways to connect with same results

Mr. Satan

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What shall i set it to (we are currently using tunngle and because of that its the 7.*** ip adress)


I belive it has something to do with the actual server. since ive tried alot of ways to connect with same results

The realm IP should be the same IP as the server's IP, I believe. I've never used Tunngle so I wouldn't know too much about it. Personally, I prefer no-ip or just port forwarding. If all the ports are portforwarded, then make sure it's not your anti-virus or firewall blocking the connection. I have malwarebytes anti-malware pro, and it has its own internet protection, I usually turn that off while hosting the server.

After looking it up, I think these are the ports that need to be open:
80 (Default port for Apache servers. If you aren't running a site of sorts, this is not required.)
3306 (Default port for MySQL servers. If you don't need your MySQL to be accessible remotely, this is not required.)
3443 (Default port for Remote Access, if you aren't using RA, this is not required.)
7878 (Default port for Simple Object Access Protocol, if you aren't using SOAP, this is not required.)
3724 (Mandatory realmlist port.)
8085 (Mandatory World server port.)
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The realm IP should be the same IP as the server's IP, I believe. I've never used Tunngle so I wouldn't know too much about it. Personally, I prefer no-ip or just port forwarding. If all the ports are portforwarded, then make sure it's not your anti-virus or firewall blocking the connection. I have malwarebytes anti-malware pro, and it has its own internet protection, I usually turn that off while hosting the server.

After looking it up, I think these are the ports that need to be open:

Hmm... But ive used servers without all the ports forwarded before. And that worked. So i do not believe that it would be that. Tommorow i will try forwarding ALL ports. Thanks for your assistance anyway.


I've already tried it and it didn't work. : /

Mr. Satan

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Hmm... But ive used servers without all the ports forwarded before. And that worked. So i do not believe that it would be that. Tommorow i will try forwarding ALL ports. Thanks for your assistance anyway.


I've already tried it and it didn't work. : /

Is your fire wall off? Try turning that off and if it still doesn't work, then I'm not too sure what could be the problem. Did you follow a guide to get it set up, or did you do it based off of memory? I don't know how many times I tried setting up a server based off of memory and forgetting tiny details, causing it to mess up.
Or, is anyone else able to join the server? It's possible it's on your friend's side. I've had times where my friend's firewall preventing them from logging in.


Verified Member
Is your fire wall off? Try turning that off and if it still doesn't work, then I'm not too sure what could be the problem. Did you follow a guide to get it set up, or did you do it based off of memory? I don't know how many times I tried setting up a server based off of memory and forgetting tiny details, causing it to mess up.
Or, is anyone else able to join the server? It's possible it's on your friend's side. I've had times where my friend's firewall preventing them from logging in.

Ye, his firewall is off. But do you have any guide on howto set it up with Tunngle or smthin you could link?

But i don't think its the connection still as he can see and attempt connection to the serv.
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Mr. Satan

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Ye, his firewall is off. But do you have any guide on howto set it up with Tunngle or smthin you could link?

But i don't think its the connection still as he can see and attempt connection to the serv.

Personally I prefer Hamachi. I've never used Tunngle, so I wouldn't know what guides are good or not. As for hamachi, here is a video I found, it should still be relevant for this server:

I found another video, by the same guy, that might be able to help for setting it up without hamachi:

Also, does it stick on logging into game server for your friend? Or does it say it for a second, then go away? Because I just encountered a problem like that and the reason why is because my worldserver closed somehow. That tells me that whatever problem you're having is caused by your worldserver. Did you update the IP's in there?
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Ok Iroflu, Are you able to help me through skype or smthing like that? Othervise if your prefer not to well Hamachi (the old hamachi) is down. So it doesn't work like that anymore. Also it dissapears after a second.

If Hamachi isn't working then I'm afraid I don't know what else to do to help. Make sure worldserver.exe is running as admin. My knowledge of making a server public goes as far as those videos explain, so if either one didn't help you then I don't think I'll be of much use.
All I know is, this line here in the worldserver.conf around line 92:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoachworld"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;characters"
Make sure the IP of is replaced by your IP, and make sure there aren't any typos.