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Xanis' Developer Application


Trial Member
Hello, I am currently looking for full time paid employment for the next two months. I will not be working any longer than those two months, but I plan to spend 400-600 hours developing during that time. I would prefer to work on blizzlike realms for 3.3.5a WotLK and 4.3.4 Cataclysm, as that is where all my experience is from, but depending on the circumstances I may consider other options.

As for my experience, all of which is from the now deceased server Magic-WoW, home of the FrostEmu closed source emulator (no I will not give you it so do not ask). I worked as a developer (as well as eventually an Administrator) for the server for four years before I got tired of the rest of the staff and quit, causing the server to die out last Fall. As I was one of the only active developers for the end of its lifetime, I handled everything from database fixes, to quest scripts, to instance/raid scripts, to everything involved in core work (optimizing/mechanics/etc), to last but not least, reverse engineering. I was one of the first developers in the WoW emulation community to have a functional 4.3.4 Cataclysm realm (multiple months ahead of any work open source was doing), and was even ingame with transmogrification working before open source could even get past the loading screen (http://imgur.com/a/5Vkha note that the album is from 2 years ago).

Some notable accomplishments of mine include the following (does not include countless smaller fixes):
• Scripted all of the Trial of the Crusader raid except the last boss, events included.
• Single-handedly updated opcodes for FrostEmu, based off Ascent, from 3.3.5a WotLK to 4.3.4 Cataclysm.
• Implemented a fully working archaeology system in Cataclysm, including dig sites not appearing inside trees and other environmental elements.
• Fully rewrote damage processing for the entire FrostEmu emulator to be more easily understood, easier to track down bugs, easier to modify later on, and to remove many hack fixes.
• Fully rewrote the pet system handling for FrostEmu to better accommodate multiple active pets at once and to fix numerous bugs that would appear from the previous code, as well as making every aspect of Cataclysm pets fully functional.
• Implemented a fully blizz-like aura application system with proper delays.
• Fully scripted the entire Worgen starting zone from scratch to be 100% blizz-like. (minus the last gunship quest)
• Fixed every memory leak in the FrostEmu emulator, as well as innumerable optimizations.
• Implemented a fully working phasing system for Cataclysm patch 4.3.4.

I am available almost all day everyday and can most easily be reached through a private message. I will not be providing Skype information unless I am hired, but real time chatting can be arranged through IRC if necessary. Thank you.

Note: Actual code samples can be provided upon request, but I will not post them here.


Very nice application!
I wish you the best luck with finding a position on a server!