Hello Everyone,
I haven't done this server for quite some time, but hey, I figured I would offer it to this community as a start. I am a very experienced and reputable Middleman. I can provide proof if needed. I have done Middleman services for numerous transactions, from cd-keys, to game account sales. I have handled up to $600.00 transactions for others. I used to offer this service for free, but do to people that tried chargebacks on me after donating money to me for helping, I decided to make it a paid service. Even though I changed to a paid service, it never slowed my business a bit because everyone knew that I was a great Middleman.
If you would like to utilize my services, the terms are listed below :
Service Fee : $5.00 (Up to $100) $8.00 (Over $100)
If you are interested in this service, post and when I see interest, I will put up my contact info.
I haven't done this server for quite some time, but hey, I figured I would offer it to this community as a start. I am a very experienced and reputable Middleman. I can provide proof if needed. I have done Middleman services for numerous transactions, from cd-keys, to game account sales. I have handled up to $600.00 transactions for others. I used to offer this service for free, but do to people that tried chargebacks on me after donating money to me for helping, I decided to make it a paid service. Even though I changed to a paid service, it never slowed my business a bit because everyone knew that I was a great Middleman.
If you would like to utilize my services, the terms are listed below :
Service Fee : $5.00 (Up to $100) $8.00 (Over $100)
Sellers :
You MUST have all information needed for what you are selling. If it's a cd-key, provide proof that it is legit. If its an account, you must provide all account information and allow it to be tested along with secret question and answer if it applies.
You MUST pay the Middleman fee upfront prior to services being provided.
If for any reason you try to scam the opposite party, your name will be spread all over the web as a scammer, and you will have lots of trouble with your next transaction due to that rep.
Both parties must be ready for the transaction when you contact me.
If you are interested in this service, post and when I see interest, I will put up my contact info.