selling legion 7.3.5 src + db;
scripted and working like everything:
all raids ( all legion raird completed and like blizzlike );
all dungeons;
all artifact quests and scenarios;
all bgs and arens, also working brawls and wargames - blizzlike;
working spectator;
working 7.3.X+ antorus zone;
working world quests - blizzlike;
working artifact gems and talents - blizzlike;
working warden and passive anticheat;
working battlePay shop - blizzlike;
working battle pets, pet battles, pet duels and battlepets pvp - blizzlike;
working garrisons and class halls;
working quests for hidden artifact appearances - blizzlike;
implented like all micro holidays and update basic holidays;
some custom things which can be disabled ( like playtime reward, solo arena que, donation shop and some other things );
99 % of spells dont have bugs - if u'll test it ingame, it'll be hard too find any spells problems;
loggin system for exploits, cheats and other things;
very stable ( up to 5 days without any crashes with 3k+ players );
so - like everything is working.
price is not low, becouse core have very hight quaility, also i can provide updates and support /w me on forum or
scripted and working like everything:
all raids ( all legion raird completed and like blizzlike );
all dungeons;
all artifact quests and scenarios;
all bgs and arens, also working brawls and wargames - blizzlike;
working spectator;
working 7.3.X+ antorus zone;
working world quests - blizzlike;
working artifact gems and talents - blizzlike;
working warden and passive anticheat;
working battlePay shop - blizzlike;
working battle pets, pet battles, pet duels and battlepets pvp - blizzlike;
working garrisons and class halls;
working quests for hidden artifact appearances - blizzlike;
implented like all micro holidays and update basic holidays;
some custom things which can be disabled ( like playtime reward, solo arena que, donation shop and some other things );
99 % of spells dont have bugs - if u'll test it ingame, it'll be hard too find any spells problems;
loggin system for exploits, cheats and other things;
very stable ( up to 5 days without any crashes with 3k+ players );
so - like everything is working.
price is not low, becouse core have very hight quaility, also i can provide updates and support /w me on forum or
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