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[WTS] Developer Team Services + Source


Verified Member
We are a team of development of source codes for World of Warcraft based on Legion (v.7.3.5 Build: 26972). We are dedicated to trying to create a server as Blizzlike as possible. We are currently developing the initial zones of each race and class. We are a serious and experienced team that seeks to join a good server or créate a new one. If what you want is to create a server from 0, we assemble it without problems in any machine explaining how we do it. Also, if you are interested in our source code do not hesitate to ask what we have and the price.

Equipment capabilities:

- Database: Creation of all types of SmartA, fusion projects…
- Core: Scripting items, spells, creatures, mechanical, instances ...
- Development assistance
- Start to créate a new server

As I said before, we have a source code (which has been in development for a year) with unique fixes that make it one of the best in the world, among them is the emptying of Server.log and DBerrors.log errors (which makes minor failures and crashes within the realm). We also have most of the initial zones and spells fixed, as well as, some dungeons and PvP content. Among the special features also has a unique anticheat, a complete multi-language, and some "Guids" ordered what will win 0 failures in the movements of the characters and there is no tripling of these.

For more information about our services (how much do we charge or any other question) do not hesitate to send me a direct message to my discord: @Nana#9999

Thanks for the support!.


Veteran Member
Verified Member

I am intressted, but I cannot contact you. Discord tells me there is no @Nana#9999.



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Veteran Member
developers for cataclysm

Do you also work for cataclysm?