Senior User
- 344
- 2014
- 13
- Source is based on TrinityCore -
- Mists Of Pandaria, Patch 5.4 -
- Rbac is fully removed, so you can use regular command table -
- Working Battlegrounds and Arena's -
- Working Quests, Dungeons and Raids -
- Monk class working, pandaren race working -
- Dungeon finder / bg finder works -
- Pet battles working partially (Not Player vs Player pet battles ) -
- Battle Fatigue, Resilience, PvP Power fully working as intended -
- Stable, no crashes - vehicles work etc -
- Gate Setting Sun - Fully working 100%
- Mogushan Palace - Fully working 100%
- Shadopan Monastery - Fully working 100%
- Siege Niuzao Temple - Fully working 100%
- Stormstout Brewery - Fully working 100%
- Temple of Jade Serpent - Fully working 100%
- Mogu'Shan Vaults working 100% 6/6
- Terrace of Endless Springs working 100% 4/4
- Throne of Thunder working 5/12 bosses
- Guarranteed best legit source for sale on the market -
Contact me via PM, testing is possible!
- This source comes with a full commit log, database, and data (vmaps, mmaps, dbc, maps etc) and client.
I accept both Paypal and Western Union.