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WoWZone Network - Advertise your Server Free


Verified Member
Welcome everyone to WZ-Network aka WoWZone Network. Discord Server dedicated to WoW Players and WoW Staff Members, New Players and New Emerging Servers. We would like to create a community where players can discuss private servers, advertise and promote servers and find support and assistance with how to play on Private Servers, seeking help from others to select the best server to play on.

? - There are no fees or charges affiliated with advertising or promoting your server.
? - You can promote your skills to other servers
? - You can find a developer or website designer

We have webhooks setup to provide the most up to date information and posts from top channels and website related to WoW Servers and WoW Retail.

We welcome players of all ages and countries to join us and grow with us as we roll through this amazing experience by bringing the community together, we would like to create a platform where players, staff, admins, owners can have a civilized conversation or debate about anything wow related.

In the past few years Emulation Community been getting smaller and smaller and we believe it's losing it's popularity, many members are discouraged by the toxicity and selfishness of other community members, we would like to pause this timeline while it's not too late and recreate the passion and love for the amazing game we all grown to love "World of Warcraft"

? Come join us: