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WoWRage Mists of Pandaria 5.4.1 Progressive 1x


Trial Member
Hello, this server is in development for few months now, core has some years on it's back and had been live for public only 1 time before (not whit current team).

I think we have good work here, lot of content works as it should, content and quests i tested on big servers that not work like on our core. Of course bugs exists, quite a few given the size of MoP content but most of them are because core never had a high population support so bugs get reported and fixed.

Anyway i like to keep it short and let players test it, report good or bad feedback I appreciate all!

Few servers info:

Blizzlike 1x
Progressive realm (all infos on website)
No Donations / Pay2win
No custom content etc.
Custom Anti Cheat / Anti-DDoS
Quality scripted content , quests , spells even lot of SAI stuff
Panda/Monk works 99%
2 Devs + 1 Web Designer working everyday on server, more staff joining soon.
Custom exe that works whit all 5.4.x versions so is very easy to join

All other infos you can find on website/forum.

Team worked all day to launch so I'm really tired now. Other ''fear'' of private servers is that they come and go, for us there is no reason to do that simply because financial situation is good and funding for server is guaranteed for a long time whit 0 support from anyone.

Website: http://wow-rage.com/