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[Wowmythic Legion] new progressive server! No p2w, no lagg, professional staff,growing international community!


Trial Member


Greetings champions,

The Burning Legion is invading Azeroth yet again bringing their foulest creatures to burn away all life on Azeroth!
It will take the combined might of Azeroth's greatest champions to put a stop to the Legion's plans once and for all.
Wielding your ancient artifact weapon, Sargeras and his dark minions will find a worthy adversary in Azeroth's greatest heroes.


We are proud to announce we're opening a new project!
The name of our new server is called WoWmythic and it's a 7.3.5 25x experience rate server with progressive content, meaning we start on 7.0.3 and work through the patches.
We have an active dev team, who is working around the clock to provide you with the best gaming experience

Q:What does this mean for you?

A:Simple, our aim is to provide everyone a friendly game environment in their favorite expansion. We will gradually progress
through the patches starting from 7.0 all the way up to patch 7.3.5. This will happen approximately every 3-4 months.
This way all our players get the chance to catch up on gearing
and content. But it won't be a slog.

Q:What is the current state of the realm?

A:Currently we are in open-beta. Meaning you can participate in play-testing before we officially release our server.
Also, you are given the opportunity to create unlimited character templates so you can start at level 110 with 865 gear for now.
Right now, we don't have an exact date as to when testing will be officially finished, but it will be soon.

Q:What makes WoWmythic special?

A:All players that enjoy playing wow know one thing: Legion is one of the IF not the best expansion ever
and what's better than being able to start on a fresh journey and be able to adventure together with
like-minded people? You will be able to compete for realm first achievements, run mythic plus together,
battlegrounds and everything else WoW related.

Server Summary:

-The server is located in the United States, and players from countries such as The Netherlands,
and Croatia experience low latency: usually between 50-120 ms, so no visual lagg or delay at all.

-Professional and friendly English/Spanish speaking staff.
-A professional working website (work in progress.)
-A growing discord community.
-Fast bug fixes.
-24/7 uptime.
-No lagg.

Server rates:

-25x experience rate by default (scalable from 1-25x by talking to Nozdormu in any major city such as Orgrimmar, or the starting zones.)
-Every other rate (reputation, gold, drops etc 1x

Realm features:

-Progressive content with realm first races.
-All Legion questlines and world-quests are working.
-All professions have been intensively tested and confirmed working to make sure you can supply yourself and your friends
with all the necessary provisions and tools you need in order to boost your adventures.
-All starting zones working.
-Old content (including their respective dungeons and raids) working.
-Mythic zero dungeons scaled correctly to match patch 7.0.3.
-Emerald Nightmare raid normal+heroic working correctly (Mythic is work in progress.)
-All class halls+their questlines working.
-All legendaries working as they are intended to be.
-(Legion) achievements working.
-And much much more!

Some Screenshots

Achievements old and new

WoWMythic Achievements working.png

All Legion storylines working properly

WoWMythic all legion storylines working.png

All Legion Dungeons working (Black Rook Hold)

WoWMythic Black Rook Hold dungeon.png

Darkheart Thicket

WoWMythic Darkheart Thicket dungeon.png

Custom Experience change npc

WoWMythic Experience change npc.png

All professions working. Herbalism for example

WoWMythic Herbalism profession.png

Closing word:

As you might know, Legion is one of the best gameplay experience the game has to offer. Is it the challenging content
of m+ dungeons, with each run becoming more and more difficult? Or are you more of a completionist constantly inspecting
and comparing your achievement points with your friends?
Or perhaps do you prefer to pursue a career in doing professions and becoming the richest hero around?
The bottom line is, on our new project there is always something to do for different adventurers.
We have some of the best scripts you can find and you will encounter very few bugs or other issues while playing. So what are you waiting for?
You are Azeroth's last hope!

Our links:



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