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WoWMortal - WoW Private Server - WoW Server (Cataclysm, Legion and WOTLK)


Verified Member

Hello everyone,
WoWMortal is a wow private server which consist of 3 realms with different expansion. So if you are searching for a good wow server you are currently at the right place.

1) Destiny - Instant 85 PvP and PvE realm (PATCH 4.3.4 Cataclysm)
2) Legion X10 - High rates Blizzlike realm (PATCH 7.2.0 Legion)
3) WM Tournament - Instant 80 PvP (PATCH 3.3.5 WOTLK)

Realm | Destiny - Instant 85 PvP and PvE realm (PATCH 4.3.4 Cataclysm)

General Information:

- Rates Instant 85
- Type PvP and PvE
- Balanced Spells
- Epic Illusion System
- Epic Shirts with great effects
- Working Custom Dragon Soul
- Daily Events
- Custom World Bosses
- Active Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Much more!

Realm | Legion x10 (High-Rate)

General Information:

- Rates: x10
- Type PvP and PvE
- Balanced Spells
- Epic Pets and Mounts Rewarder/Seller in main cities
- Epic Played time rewards system.
- Working Legion Contents
- Working Battlegrounds
- Working Karazkhan for Legion
- Working Professions
- Working Legion Achievments
- Much more!

Realm | WM Tournament (WOTLK Patch 3.3.5) - Arena PVP

General Information:

- Rates are Instant 80
- Type PvP
- Balanced Spells
- Epic Template NPC
- Epic Arena system like arena tournament
- Solo 3v3 feature with own ladder
- Arena Spectator
- Instant professions
- Arena start counter
- .utility commands
- Arena ready check crystals
- Free for All World PvP Zones
- Skirmish 10v10 (fun feature)
- & much more!

Website: https://wowmortal.com
Facebook: https://fb.com/WoWMortal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WoWMortalServer
VK: https://vk.com/public142861898
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108735970943146393826
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCac6g1NSiOBDSAlyBag4ISg
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/CbsagHH

Tags: wow server, wow private server, wow private servers, wow cataclysm server, legion server, wotlk server, wow pvp server
