First of all thanks for reading our advert.
We are a small team of developers and friends that are sworn wow fans that wanted to continue with MoP.
As most of the servers contains empty promises / pay2win gear / hackfixes or any other gamebreaking stuff so we decided to open our own server.
We decided that the realm would be progressive, xp/loot rates are set to x3 and the MoP content will be unlocked each 2 months.
> 01.04 - 01.06 - 5.1x
> 01.07 - 01.09 - 5.2x
> 01.10 - 01.12 - 5.3/4x
What we can guarantee you is that:
- We have the best hardware for atleast 3000-4000 online players (CentOS-7, i7-4790k / 32ram, all of it for the server)
- GM Support most of the time (we have few US/EU game masters that will be active most of the time)
- We wouldn't lie / false advertise anything related to our project.
- Nearly ~90% of the old content (Vanilla,TBC,WoTLK,Cataclysm) works. /Both PvE & PvP
- Server will be online for atleast 8 months. (our dedicated server is paid till 15.02.2018)
- Unlike most servers we do listen to your suggestions and issues.
- Server restarts/crashes almost reduced to 0.
- Our Shop will be launched later on is not a priority now and will have ONLY Vanity items. Income from this will be used for payments toward Dev team, Gm's and advertising.
As a base of our realm we are using JadeCore 5.4 and we have fixed:
- LFG(Dungeons, Raids, Scenarios) is fully available.
- PVP(All BG's/Arenas) are fully available.
- 9/9 Dungeons - all bosses available on all 3 difficulties (Normal,Heroic,Challenge)
- Scenarios - 4/18 available.
- Nearly all spells/talents work as intended.
- Movement Maps (so far they are 3.5GB) might be available soon, we are working on a different branch with them (still needs more work)
Raids: (Note that the bossfights might not be 100% with Blizzard's but we strive to make it as blizzlike as possible..)
- Mogu'shan Vaults - 6/6 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
- Terrace of Endless Spring 4/4 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
- Heart of Fear - 5/5 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties. (needs testing)
- Throne of Thunder - 13/13 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
- Siege of Orgrimmar - 10/14 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
Isle of Thunder: 0% (we plan to work on it the next few months)
Timeless Isle: ~80% (soon we will finish the PvP part of it together with all the loot / spawns / waypoints and it will be 100% working)
Server Status: Open Beta
- Instant 90
- Max gold and spells
- Some GM commands available to make testing easyer (list available on website)
All informations about beta can be found on website and forum.
First of all thanks for reading our advert.
We are a small team of developers and friends that are sworn wow fans that wanted to continue with MoP.
As most of the servers contains empty promises / pay2win gear / hackfixes or any other gamebreaking stuff so we decided to open our own server.
We decided that the realm would be progressive, xp/loot rates are set to x3 and the MoP content will be unlocked each 2 months.
> 01.04 - 01.06 - 5.1x
> 01.07 - 01.09 - 5.2x
> 01.10 - 01.12 - 5.3/4x
What we can guarantee you is that:
- We have the best hardware for atleast 3000-4000 online players (CentOS-7, i7-4790k / 32ram, all of it for the server)
- GM Support most of the time (we have few US/EU game masters that will be active most of the time)
- We wouldn't lie / false advertise anything related to our project.
- Nearly ~90% of the old content (Vanilla,TBC,WoTLK,Cataclysm) works. /Both PvE & PvP
- Server will be online for atleast 8 months. (our dedicated server is paid till 15.02.2018)
- Unlike most servers we do listen to your suggestions and issues.
- Server restarts/crashes almost reduced to 0.
- Our Shop will be launched later on is not a priority now and will have ONLY Vanity items. Income from this will be used for payments toward Dev team, Gm's and advertising.
As a base of our realm we are using JadeCore 5.4 and we have fixed:
- LFG(Dungeons, Raids, Scenarios) is fully available.
- PVP(All BG's/Arenas) are fully available.
- 9/9 Dungeons - all bosses available on all 3 difficulties (Normal,Heroic,Challenge)
- Scenarios - 4/18 available.
- Nearly all spells/talents work as intended.
- Movement Maps (so far they are 3.5GB) might be available soon, we are working on a different branch with them (still needs more work)
Raids: (Note that the bossfights might not be 100% with Blizzard's but we strive to make it as blizzlike as possible..)
- Mogu'shan Vaults - 6/6 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
- Terrace of Endless Spring 4/4 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
- Heart of Fear - 5/5 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties. (needs testing)
- Throne of Thunder - 13/13 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
- Siege of Orgrimmar - 10/14 scripted and available on both Heroic/Normal difficulties.
Isle of Thunder: 0% (we plan to work on it the next few months)
Timeless Isle: ~80% (soon we will finish the PvP part of it together with all the loot / spawns / waypoints and it will be 100% working)
Server Status: Open Beta
- Instant 90
- Max gold and spells
- Some GM commands available to make testing easyer (list available on website)
All informations about beta can be found on website and forum.