Website : Registration Page
Realmlist : set realmlist
- 3.3.5a WotLK realm
- 24/7 Uptime
- Wrathful Gear S8 free for 7 days
- Raid T10.5 gear and PvE items
- 99% Working Spells and Talents
- Fear Pathing working at 100%
- Daily Events
- Friendly Staff
- Passive AntiCheat
- Arena Ladder NPC
- Template NPC
- Balanced Legendaries
- Crossfaction BG's System
- No Overpowered items
- VIP System
- Anti-DDoS protection
- Quality Host
- Experienced Playerbase
- Epic Vote Mounts
- Custom Titles
- World Boss
- FFA World PvP
- Guild NPC
- Event Rewards NPC
- 1v1 Rated Arena
- 10v10 Skirmish Arena
- Arena Spectator NPC
- Daily Quests
- Custom Visual Shirts and Tabards
- Epic 2 Malls
- Arena Crystal
- Custom Duel Zone
- Profession NPC
- Enchanter NPC
- Beastmastery NPC
- Morpher NPC
- Title Giver NPC
- Epic Transmogrification System
- Global Teleporter
- Instant Glyphs
- Instant Enchants
- Money rewards for Arena seasons
More unique stuff, yet to come!
Realmlist : set realmlist
- 3.3.5a WotLK realm
- 24/7 Uptime
- Wrathful Gear S8 free for 7 days
- Raid T10.5 gear and PvE items
- 99% Working Spells and Talents
- Fear Pathing working at 100%
- Daily Events
- Friendly Staff
- Passive AntiCheat
- Arena Ladder NPC
- Template NPC
- Balanced Legendaries
- Crossfaction BG's System
- No Overpowered items
- VIP System
- Anti-DDoS protection
- Quality Host
- Experienced Playerbase
- Epic Vote Mounts
- Custom Titles
- World Boss
- FFA World PvP
- Guild NPC
- Event Rewards NPC
- 1v1 Rated Arena
- 10v10 Skirmish Arena
- Arena Spectator NPC
- Daily Quests
- Custom Visual Shirts and Tabards
- Epic 2 Malls
- Arena Crystal
- Custom Duel Zone
- Profession NPC
- Enchanter NPC
- Beastmastery NPC
- Morpher NPC
- Title Giver NPC
- Epic Transmogrification System
- Global Teleporter
- Instant Glyphs
- Instant Enchants
- Money rewards for Arena seasons
More unique stuff, yet to come!