What's new

WoW-Rivals i80 3.3.5a PvP


Trial Member
Website : Registration Page
Realmlist : set realmlist wow-rivals.no-ip.org

- 3.3.5a WotLK realm
- 24/7 Uptime
- Wrathful Gear S8 free for 7 days
- Raid T10.5 gear and PvE items
- 99% Working Spells and Talents
- Fear Pathing working at 100%
- Daily Events
- Friendly Staff
- Passive AntiCheat
- Arena Ladder NPC
- Template NPC
- Balanced Legendaries
- Crossfaction BG's System
- No Overpowered items
- VIP System
- Anti-DDoS protection
- Quality Host
- Experienced Playerbase
- Epic Vote Mounts
- Custom Titles
- World Boss
- FFA World PvP
- Guild NPC
- Event Rewards NPC
- 1v1 Rated Arena
- 10v10 Skirmish Arena
- Arena Spectator NPC
- Daily Quests
- Custom Visual Shirts and Tabards
- Epic 2 Malls
- Arena Crystal
- Custom Duel Zone
- Profession NPC
- Enchanter NPC
- Beastmastery NPC
- Morpher NPC
- Title Giver NPC
- Epic Transmogrification System
- Global Teleporter
- Instant Glyphs
- Instant Enchants
- Money rewards for Arena seasons

More unique stuff, yet to come!

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
Head Moderator
Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Superior Member
World Martial Arts Championships
Good luck getting your server started!

Also, your website is inaccessible.
It just says: "Website: Registration Page"
Did you forget to link it? Or are you still in the process of setting it up?