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WoW: Resurgence


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World of Warcraft: Resurgence

About WoWR

UNDER DEVELOPMENT (As of: 11/24/14)

Hey all,
My name is Zalas. I am the creator and developer of the WoW:Resurgence project. I wanted to take a moment of your time today to go over my vision. I have been part of the WoW and Private WoW Community for many years. I have played on many servers and have almost always been on retail. I closely relate with the RP community and really enjoy the WoW Universe and Lore. I have fiddled with private communities before but have never truly dedicated myself to one. That changes now.
I have been away from the game for about a year now and have rekindled my love for it, as well as finally got a bit of hardware to handle what I need. With this I feel I also have the time and resources to construct a new project dedicated to the WoW Rp community. I have the needed skills to establish a two realm server and community and develop new features and ideas for it. However, I really want this to be a great project and I know my ideas are not always what the community wants. That is why I am inviting others to work with me on this project or at least allow the popularity to rise on it so that we may grow together and be successful.
The one aspect I cannot stress enough is that this project will never be finished, and will always be growing. I promise no end. What I do promise is a place for people to feel welcomed and find others that share our vision to create a true utopia for RPers alike.
Within the next few days we will have the foundations needed to begin the project. From a basic test server to a website and forums. The reason I come to the community now is because as I stated before, I want to hear what the community wants, what they feel is needed for a successful world for us. I also wish to invite those that are interested in working on a project to reach out to me so that we may discuss the possibilities of assembling a team.


WoW: Resurgence is a private extension of the ever-popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game) World of Warcraft created by Blizzard Entertainment. The project was created for educational purposes in understanding server networking and game development. We also utilize this resource to explore fundamentals of the game as fans. The most important aspect of WoW: Resurgence is to note that everything we do is purely for a fan base and those looking to learn. We support Blizzard Entertainment in its entirety and ask that those who are members of our community do so as well by having an active subscription with the original World of Warcraft game. With that being said, we as a project and community will not under any circumstances ever accept any tips, donations, gifts, or any monetary value in lieu of our project or anything related to it. This project is privately funded by the creator and will remain so. So please note that we are in no way a competition to Blizzard or the original World of Warcraft game. We are simply community of fans and those looking to learn about the needed mechanics of gaming fundamentals. If ever asked by an official Blizzard representative, we will immediately cease and desist.
We also ask that with the limited support of the fundamental mechanics, funding and as we learn the required skills and traits as a team to properly explore developmental opportunities, that our community stays patient with us. Please note above that we are no where in competition with Blizzard and our project will never be complete. However we do promise to dedicate the time and resources we can to offer a great experience to our community. In conclusion we will be a drama free community and project that will strive at its own pace to develop and grow to be an amazing avenue of a free fan based extension of World of Warcraft focusing on a Role-playing environment created to learn the skills and requirements of gaming.
Here at WoWR we offer two different Realms. A realm being a standalone world in which players can choose the version of the game they wish to play on. Realms are not connected to one another, however you are not limited to just one. You can play on both if you'd like, but note characters and content can not be shared between the two. Your WoWR Account will grant you access to both realms however you will need different software requirements to connect to them respectfully. Below is the two realm options and their descriptions.

Arcadia (6.x)

Arcadia is our most up to date Realm. Arcadia is flagged as a FFA-RP-PVP type world. Meaning it is strictly a Role-playing (Please reference forum post about RP if not familiar with this concept) Free-For-All, Player versus Player environment.

Archaic (3.3.5)

Archaic is our Realm constructed on of the most popular builds of World of Warcraft, build 3.3.5. Archaic is flagged as a FFA-RP-PVP type world. Meaning it is strictly a Role-playing (Please reference forum post about RP if not familiar with this concept) Free-For-All, Player versus Player environment.

Please feel free to message me on these forums for any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you!