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WoW-Realm 3.3.5a • Blizzlike • PvE • Progress (Naxx) • We set new standards!


Verified Member
The wrath of the lich king content is too easy for you? Looking for a real challenge? Don't want to simply grind down every boss while watching your favorite TV-show? Then WoW-Realm is perfect for you and your friends! We from WoW-Realm have the idea, to drive our players crazy with our difficulty. You think you're a real progamer? You think you know your character inside out? We will show you what a real challenge is. There is no place for wimps. This simple game posturing does not bring you further with us. On our Server the first mobs will punish you right at the beginning. No Mercy for r-tards!

,,The bosses are angry for getting farmed all the time. Now they are back.
Stronger than ever, and you will have wished you to have never set a foot in this world!"

- Gold on mass?
- Boring gradually ascend without using the head and stupid mob-grinding?
- Pay to Win shit?
- No Character Transfer?
- No Starter package?
- Custome Items?
- Elite mobs not fighting back?
- All instances in stock without a real Progress?
- Farming your endgear in boring Rnd-Raids?
- Carry runs for endgear?

The Azjol-Nerub Realm is a PvE realm Blizzlike with a very high degree of difficulty (2x as hard as normal!).

Closing remarks:
In name of WoW-Realm I thank you for reading our introduction
and we hope to see you soon on our server. Welcome to WoW-Realm

Best regards
WoW-Realm team

Website: wow-realm.com
Teamspeak: ts.wow-realm.com
Email: support@wow-realm


Verified Member
Changelog 08.04

- Quest: Ebon Blade Prisoners​
- Raid Instance Drop Emblem of Triumph​
- Corrupted Ashbringer -> inserted in the game (Drop from Four Horsemen and it properly drop as an additional item, but rarely)
- Quest: Shoot 'Em Up​
- Dalaran NPC Manabonk​
- Quest: Massacre At Light's Point​
- Hall of Lightning: Guardian Room​
- Naxxramas: Gargoyls​ > no taunt

​​Changelog 09.04

- PvP Distribute Point is now activ (had missing config)
- Naxxramas: Orb​ fixxed (now first avaible on kill all bosses stage 1)
- Gundrak: drakkari colossus​drakkari colossus​ drop items now only 1 time
- Gundrak: Moorabi​ change casttime from Transform Spell (4sec -> 2sec any wave)
- Duell: Reset befor fight cast cooldown, hp, mana and after duell
- Quest: Youll need a Gryphon​
- Gundrak: Drakkari​ now you cant stun him
The Obsidian Sanctum write:
- added 3 Portals static
- added waypoints for the "Onyx Sanctum Guardian"
- Vesperon -> Twilight Torment only 1 Stack/cast
!important! Need more Feedback for