▪ No Custom Items.
▪ No Pay to Win
[Leveling Rewards / Auto Learn Spells]
And many more leveling rewards through out leveling.
Currency obtainable through RDF or Battlegrounds.
You can use these Marks to reset your normal 10/25 raids such as Icecrown Citadel.
You can use Vote Points to reset your All of your heroic RDF dungeon IDs.
You can also use [Mark of WoW-Orb] to Transmogrify your gear.
Server Info: Running on SunWell Core. Thanks to xinef & pussywizard.
▪ Wotlk dungeons:
▪ Halls of Reflection - scripted and working
▪ Pit of Saron - scripted and working
▪ The Forge of Souls - scripted and working
▪ Trial of the Champion - scripted and working
▪ The Culling of Stratholme - scripted and working
▪ Utgarde Pinnacle - scripted and working
▪ Halls of Lightning - scripted and working
▪ The Oculus - scripted and working
▪ Halls of Stone - scripted and working
▪ Gundrak - scripted and working
▪ Violet Hold - scripted and working
▪ Drak'Tharon Keep - scripted and working
▪ Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom - scripted and working
▪ Azjol-Nerub - scripted and working
▪ The Nexus - scripted and working
▪ Utgarde Keep - scripted and working
WotLK raids:
▪ The Ruby Sanctum - scripted and working
▪ Icecrown Citadel - scripted and working
▪ Onyxia's Lair - scripted and working
▪ Trial of the Crusader - scripted and working
▪ Ulduar - scripted and working
▪ The Eye of Eternity - scripted and working
▪ Vault of Archavon - scripted and working
▪ The Obsidian Sanctum - scripted and working
▪ Naxxramas - scripted and working
▪ TBC dungeons:
▪ Magisters' Terrace - scripted and working
▪ The Black Morass - scripted and working
▪ The Arcatraz - scripted and working
▪ The Botanica - scripted and working
▪ The Mechanar - scripted and working
▪ Old Hillsbrad Foothills - scripted and working
▪ Shadow Labyrinth - scripted and working
▪ The Shattered Halls - scripted and working
▪ The Steamvault - scripted and working
▪ Sethekk Halls - scripted and working
▪ Auchenai Crypts - scripted and working
▪ Mana-Tombs - scripted and working
▪ The Underbog - scripted and working
▪ The Slave Pens - scripted and working
▪ The Blood Furnace - scripted and working
▪ Hellfire Ramparts - scripted and working
▪ TBC raids:
▪ Sunwell Plateau - scripted and working
▪ Black Temple - scripted and working
▪ The Battle for Mount Hyjal - scripted and working
▪ Tempest Keep: The Eye - scripted and working
▪ Serpentshrine Cavern - scripted and working
▪ Magtheridon's Lair - scripted and working
▪ Gruul's Lair - scripted and working
▪ Zul'Aman - scripted and working
▪ Karazhan - scripted and working
▪ Vanilla dungeons:
▪ Scholomance - scripted and working
▪ Stratholme - scripted and working
▪ Dire Maul - scripted and working
▪ Blackrock Spire - scripted and working
▪ Blackrock Depths - scripted and working
▪ Temple of Atal'Hakkar - scripted and working
▪ Maraudon - scripted and working
▪ Zul'Farrak - scripted and working
▪ Uldaman - scripted and working
▪ Razorfen Downs - scripted and working
▪ The Scarlet Monastery - scripted and working
▪ Razorfen Kraul - scripted and working
▪ Gnomeregan - scripted and working
▪ The Stockade - scripted and working
▪ Blackfathom Deeps - scripted and working
▪ Shadowfang Keep - scripted and working
▪ The Deadmines - scripted and working
▪ Wailing Caverns - scripted and working
▪ Ragefire Chasm - scripted and working
▪ Quests:
working with the exception of few
▪ Wintergrasp - working
▪ Battlegrounds - working
▪ Arenas - working
Special Rewards For Realm First.
▪ No Custom Items.
▪ No Pay to Win

[Leveling Rewards / Auto Learn Spells]

And many more leveling rewards through out leveling.

Currency obtainable through RDF or Battlegrounds.

You can use these Marks to reset your normal 10/25 raids such as Icecrown Citadel.

You can use Vote Points to reset your All of your heroic RDF dungeon IDs.

You can also use [Mark of WoW-Orb] to Transmogrify your gear.

Server Info: Running on SunWell Core. Thanks to xinef & pussywizard.
▪ Wotlk dungeons:
▪ Halls of Reflection - scripted and working
▪ Pit of Saron - scripted and working
▪ The Forge of Souls - scripted and working
▪ Trial of the Champion - scripted and working
▪ The Culling of Stratholme - scripted and working
▪ Utgarde Pinnacle - scripted and working
▪ Halls of Lightning - scripted and working
▪ The Oculus - scripted and working
▪ Halls of Stone - scripted and working
▪ Gundrak - scripted and working
▪ Violet Hold - scripted and working
▪ Drak'Tharon Keep - scripted and working
▪ Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom - scripted and working
▪ Azjol-Nerub - scripted and working
▪ The Nexus - scripted and working
▪ Utgarde Keep - scripted and working

WotLK raids:
▪ The Ruby Sanctum - scripted and working
▪ Icecrown Citadel - scripted and working
▪ Onyxia's Lair - scripted and working
▪ Trial of the Crusader - scripted and working
▪ Ulduar - scripted and working
▪ The Eye of Eternity - scripted and working
▪ Vault of Archavon - scripted and working
▪ The Obsidian Sanctum - scripted and working
▪ Naxxramas - scripted and working

▪ TBC dungeons:
▪ Magisters' Terrace - scripted and working
▪ The Black Morass - scripted and working
▪ The Arcatraz - scripted and working
▪ The Botanica - scripted and working
▪ The Mechanar - scripted and working
▪ Old Hillsbrad Foothills - scripted and working
▪ Shadow Labyrinth - scripted and working
▪ The Shattered Halls - scripted and working
▪ The Steamvault - scripted and working
▪ Sethekk Halls - scripted and working
▪ Auchenai Crypts - scripted and working
▪ Mana-Tombs - scripted and working
▪ The Underbog - scripted and working
▪ The Slave Pens - scripted and working
▪ The Blood Furnace - scripted and working
▪ Hellfire Ramparts - scripted and working

▪ TBC raids:
▪ Sunwell Plateau - scripted and working
▪ Black Temple - scripted and working
▪ The Battle for Mount Hyjal - scripted and working
▪ Tempest Keep: The Eye - scripted and working
▪ Serpentshrine Cavern - scripted and working
▪ Magtheridon's Lair - scripted and working
▪ Gruul's Lair - scripted and working
▪ Zul'Aman - scripted and working
▪ Karazhan - scripted and working

▪ Vanilla dungeons:
▪ Scholomance - scripted and working
▪ Stratholme - scripted and working
▪ Dire Maul - scripted and working
▪ Blackrock Spire - scripted and working
▪ Blackrock Depths - scripted and working
▪ Temple of Atal'Hakkar - scripted and working
▪ Maraudon - scripted and working
▪ Zul'Farrak - scripted and working
▪ Uldaman - scripted and working
▪ Razorfen Downs - scripted and working
▪ The Scarlet Monastery - scripted and working
▪ Razorfen Kraul - scripted and working
▪ Gnomeregan - scripted and working
▪ The Stockade - scripted and working
▪ Blackfathom Deeps - scripted and working
▪ Shadowfang Keep - scripted and working
▪ The Deadmines - scripted and working
▪ Wailing Caverns - scripted and working
▪ Ragefire Chasm - scripted and working
▪ Quests:
working with the exception of few

▪ Wintergrasp - working
▪ Battlegrounds - working
▪ Arenas - working

Special Rewards For Realm First.
