Here more info found elsewhere thanks to @driverking.
Dear Acxxx members today I present you the most extensive 5.4.8 core ever released, with many features like new quests dungeons bosses and working blizzlike content.
Here are our changes and work we make at the database.
It will be updated over time with the correct status of our work.
The information has been made by the team,
Instances Classic: Level: 1 - 20 at a glance
Shadowfang castle accessible - as it should be no hero
The caves of the lamentation walkable - as it should be
The deathmines accessible - as it should be
ragefire - as it should be
Instances Classic: Level: 21 - 40
Scholomance (NEW MAP) - as it should be
The Scarlet Monastery (NEW MAP) accessible - as it should be
Scarlet Halls (NEW MAP) accessible - as it should be
Uldaman walkable - as it should be
Maraudon walkable - as it should be
Kral the Klingenhauer walkable - as it should be
Gnomeregan walkable - as it should be
The dungeon accessible - as it should be
Deep black Grotto walkable - as it should be
Shadowfang castle accessible - as it should be
Instances Classic: Level: 41 - 60
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj accessible - as it should be
Ahn'Qiraj walkable - as it should be
Pitch swinging walkable - as it should be
Melted core walkable - as it should be
Schwarzfelsspitze walkable - as it should be
Schwarzfelstdöfen accessible - as it should be
Sunken temple walkable - as it should be
Stratholme walkable - as it should be
Zul'Farrak walkable - as it should be
Gloomy breakable - not tested yet
Hills of the Klingenhauer walkable - not yet tested
Instances The Burning Crusade Level: 58 - 70
Caves of the time: Hyjal summit walkable - as it should be
Gruuls shelter accessible - as it should be
Karazhan walkable - as it should be
Hellfirezitadelle: Magtheridons chamber accessible - not yet tested
Sunstar plateau accessible - as it should be
The Eichenkessel: Cave of the snake shrine accessible - not yet tested
Fortress of the Storms: Fortress of the Storms accessible - not yet tested
The Black Temple accessible - not yet tested
Fortress of the Storms: The Arcatraz walkable - as it should be
Caves of the time: The Black Morast walkable - not yet tested
Terrace of the Magister accessible - as it should be
Fortress of the Storms: The Mechanar accessible - not yet tested
Hellfirezitadelle: The Shattered Halls Walkable - As It Should Be
The kettlebell: The steam chamber is accessible - as it should be
Auchindoun: Sethekkhallen walkable - as it should be
Caves of the time: The mountain range of the Old Hügellands is accessible - as it should be
Auchindoun: Auchenaikrypta walkable - as it should be
Auchindoun: Mana calls accessible - as it should be
Auchindoun: Shadow labyrinth walkable - as it should be
The kettledrum: The low-slung walkway - as it should be
The kayak: the slave lodges accessible - as it should be
Hellfirezitadelle: The blood vessel walkable - as it should be
Hellfire Cemetery: Hellfire bulwark - as it should be
Instances Wrath of the Lich King: Level 68 - 80
Archavon's chamber accessible - as it should be
Checking the cruiser can be walked on - as it should be
The Nexus: The Eye of Eternity is accessible - as it should be
Icecrown Citadel - as it should be without ship's struggle
Naxxramas - as it should be
Wyrmrest Temple: The Obsidian Sanctuary is accessible - as it should be
Onyxias Hort walkable - as it should be
Ulduar accessible - as it should be
Wyrmrest Temple: The Rubinsanktum walkable - as it should be
Icecrown Citadel: The souls' forge - as it should be
Icecrown Citadel: Pit of Saron walkable - as it should be
Icecrown Citadel: Halls of reflection accessible - as it should be waves long
Ulduar: Halls of lightning can be walked - as it should be
The Nexus: The Oculus walkable - as it should be
Utgarde Castle: Utgarde tower accessible - as it should be
Caves of Time: The Culling of Stratholme Playable when you go directly to Arthas!
Test of the Champion Not playable!
Ulduar: Halls of the stone walkable - as it should be
Gundrak walkable - as it should be
The Violette Fortress is accessible - as it should be
Fixed Drak'Tharon accessible - as it should be
Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom walkable - as it should be
Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub walkable - as it should be
The Nexus: The Nexus walkable - as it should be
Utgarde Castle: Utgarde Castle walkable - as it should be
Instances Cataclysm: Level 80 - 85
Baradin fortress accessible - as it should be
Steep swing descent - as it should be
Dragon's soul walkable - as it should be deathwings back is almost finished.
Well of Eternity walkable - as it should be
Firelands accessible - as it should be
Halls of origin accessible - as it should be
Throne of the Four.
Instances mop Level 90
- Mogu'Shan Vaults
spawned and working
- Heart of Fear
spawned and working
- Terrace of Endless Spring
spawned and working
Jade serpent
Spawned and working
- Throne of Thunder
spawned and working not 100% blizzlike some fixes may be costum but working
- Siege of Orgrimmar
spawned and working not 100% blizzlike some fixes may be costum but working
most of them are working and available through an npc, you can find him in the pandaren city under the stairs
There is a mall and vendors at the gmisland and much much more....
View attachment e86bkcds.jpg
View attachment rib55jfp.jpg
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also core and repack are 5.4.7 not 5.4.8,
that is also seen in auth db - realmlist gamebuild: 18019
gamebuild 18414 is 5.4.8
download ready to play packet:!8191FQJJ!CKjz0jH4Z...4hKzVoVAETTAeI
source of the core:!o8UVHTqY!OookwhIjT...Ui3I-v7ASnBCm8