Blizzard announced their seventh component: Legion. A possible BETA scheduled for november and early exit for the early spring, our time is running out.
Discover, grow, succeed and overcome are the main axes of our project. By opening this project, we wanted, and we still hope, deepen our skills, discover new areas but also oppose to entities and servers that currently run the world of emulation. We are motivated and ready to meet the challenges.
Legion is an opportunity to show that we are able to challenge the best private servers. That is why we turn to Emucoach to seek the support and reinforcement.
About us ..
C++ development, web development, SQL development, team management, translation or internal/external communication, all these skills are provided by our team.
We are now up to 11.
With an average age of 21 years turning around, we're all students or trainees in their studies or on the end of them.
Our project
Create a World of Warcraft server: Legion, compete with the best existing servers and are beyond the outline of our project.
The goal is to release a Blizz'like server, we looked for a way to attract the most possible people. Thanks to the diversity of our team, we are able to open a server with 3 different communities: French, Spanish and English (International in general).
We structured and planned the work to be performed in 4 major periods:
- Pre-Alpha
- recurring
Pre-Alpha (in progress)
This period is marked by the development of a large part of the communication platform, and other parties, including the following tasks:
- Find a server name: completed
- Purchase of the domain name: completed
- Creating the design and implementation of the website: ongoing
- Forum implementation : ongoing
- Translation of the static texts of the site (EN, ES): ongoing
- Find manager for the French team: completed
- Creating a trailer: ongoing
- Creation of the visual identity: ongoing
- Changing our core to anticipate the arrival of a new class: completed
This part will begin as soon as an access to the BETA Legion will be possible. It includes many tasks, all being related to the core. Here is a partial list:- Data extraction: Pending
- Updating the core: Pending
- Analyze and understand the new dbcs: Pending
- System Analysis of sending / receiving opcodes (if needed): Pending
- Develop the first Legion: Pending
This period will be marked by the introduction of the game content on the server. The goal will be to correct the basic systems present in the game and concentrate on the content. Here is a list, again not exhaustive of the tasks:- Retrieving creatures, quests and GameObjects: Pending
- Use Wowhead in order to correct the content (parsing): Pending
- Find the missing opcodes and structures: Pending
- Correct inconsistencies in databases: Pending
- Developing new systems of Legion: Pending
- Focusing on the new class: Pending
- Configuration three realms: Pending
- Setting up the infrastructure (machines and various servers): Pending
The following tasks will be processing on all periods:Mj recruitment: waiting
Moderator recruitment: waiting
Recruitment of C++ developers and SQL: ongoing
The goals & how to work
Our objectives are clear and precise. We must respect our schedule in order to claim any competition.
Each team member is registered with one or more of the tasks of interest. He must leave his progress and indicate, when the task is completed, the end date.
The developers working on the most difficult tasks or longest tasks, and ensuring us a considerable lead, are paid.
Showing us that you are motivated and that you can work a lot, is also a way to be paid.
Our team
Development Team
Ardinis - Project ManagerHave varied and extensive expertise in web and software Ardinis is able to take care of web development as well as the development core. It coordinates the development team.
Ayoub - Core Developer
Specialist of the core, he is able to understand and work on many different aspects of the core. Ayoub is a key element in achieving the core Legion.
Dawn - Core Developer
Have advanced skills in C ++ and a very good knowledge of the structure and operation of a core WoW, Dawn is a major asset in the development of the Legion server.
Honos - Project Manager
Have advanced skills in the Web development and in communication, Honos does the site development and coordination of community teams.
Nevarian- Core developer
Just arrived.
Orgoloth - Database Developer
Through his varied skills, Orgoloth is able to build or fix all kind of data in a database. His motivation and creativity make him an important actor for the server improvement. He is the pillar of the developers database.
Orion - Core Developer
Due to his experience and motivation, Orion is able to work on any core system. His passion for the development and skills make him an important and a main actor in the development of core side.
Ragnarok - Core Developer
Newcomer to the team and hungry for discovery, Ragnarok, driven by motivation, is ready to meet any challenge. His knowledge of the core structure allow him to understand how it operate. He improves himself each day and proves to be an asset to the development team.
Rec0d- Core developer
Just arrived.
Skyzooo- Core developer
Just arrived.
Zoruk - System administrator and core developer
Computer systems, particularly Unix systems do not have many secrets for him. Manager of the infrastructure integrity, he set up our servers. His development skills also allow him to monitor and participate in the evolution of the core. He represents a pillar of the project.
Community Team
Aretia - English community administratorResponsible for managing the team of Mjs and moderators of the English community (and international), she is responsible of the international realm.
She participates in the translation of the static content of the site as well as community announcements on the international side.
Asmodian - Spanish community administrator
Head of the Spanish community, he manages the team of moderators Mjs affiliated to the Spanish realm. He is also involved in translating static content and the Spanish community announcements.
Snow - French community administrator
Head of the team of moderators and related french realm Mjs, he takes care of the communication and management related to this realm.
Who are we looking for?
Our team is dynamic and never lack manpower. We are looking for motivated people willing to follow us and invest in this venture at best.
Please understand that the following roles will be to provide:
- C ++ Developer
- SQL developer
Thank you to all those who take the time to read this. We hope that our project will give some of you the desire to join us, to others the desire to follow us.
Fill free to contact me personally if you have any questions or if you would like to join us.
Here is my skype id : honos.stormheim
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