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WoW How to Duplicate Quest Items - Private Servers - Dupe - Cheat Engine - TC


Veteran Member

Hey there guys, I wanted to show you how to make tons of gold by duplicating quest items on the Pandashan 5.0.5 private server. This duplication trick requires some basic knowledge of Cheat Engine. Note that I am only level 61 in this tutorial. I had over 400kg at level 20 without any effort. This method works on other servers as well, and with any patch. This is also not just focused on the quest items in this guide, there are lots of possibilities and exploits that can come from this, you just have to know where to look and start. I searched around and saw a thread that required you to hex edit, but you don't need to go to such lengths to accomplish this. Lets start the basic guide!

Getting Started

There are a few things you will need to get started. The first thing you need is to download Cheat Engine. Once you have done that, make two accounts on the Pandashan private server, or your desired private server you are playing on.

Steps to Success

Here are the steps you have to take to get yourself duplicated quest items. In this example, we are duplicating the Cranes Darkmoon card for the iLevel 476 trinket.

1) Log in with the Pandashan Launcher twice, so it opens two World of Warcraft clients. Make sure that the first World of Warcraft client is the one that you are going to be duplicating the quest items. Once you have logged into both accounts fire up Cheat Engine and open the processes menu. Choose the first Pandashan.dat process. This is the one that will be duplicating the quest item.

2) Once you have attached to the first WoW client we need to find a quest that we can share between two people. This might take a bit to find, but usually you can share the 2nd part of the starting area's quests (for example, Sin'jin village quests, Kharanos quests, Goldshire quests, etc.) In this example, I am using the quest Breaking the Chain, found in Sin'jin Village. Make sure both characters can accept and share the quest. On the WoW client that Cheat Engine is not attached to, share the quest to theWoW client that Cheat Engine is attached to.

3) When you have a quest to share to the player thats duplicating the quest items, go ahead and click share. In cheat engine, look for the ID of the quest that is being shared. In this example, the quest ID of Breaking the Chain is 25167. How did I find that? At the end of the URL of Wowhead when looking up anything from items to quests is a unique ID. click here The bold is the ID of the quest Breaking the Chain. You can find the ID of almost any quest. For older quests, use old wowhead.

Be sure that you select the green address, or it will not work. If there are multiple green addresses, choose them all and edit them all. Once you have them all highlighted, click the arrow button to put it into your active addresses.

Once you have them in your active addresses, highlight the one or all of the addresses and right click, and click on change value. For this example, we want to get the Darkmoon Crane Deck. The address to Wowhead is Darkmoon Crane Deck - Quest - World of Warcraft, meaning we need to change the ID of Breaking the Chain (25167) to 30449, the Darkmoon Crane Deck's quest ID.

4) If you have successfully done it, upon accepting the quest that was being shared to the duplication player, you should get the quest Darkmoon Crane Deck, and the item should appear in your bags.

5) Abandon the quest, and notice that your deck is still in your bags. Repeat steps 1-4 and notice you get another deck!

6) Do as you will with them, put them on the AH or use it to get the trinket. I have to note though, once you complete it the first time, you cannot accept the quest again. This quest can be accepted at level 1 however, so it is simple to just create a level 1 and duplicate on that player.

A Proof:


Some Quests That I Have Found Working/Beneficial So Far
Darkmoon Crane Deck
Darkmoon Tiger Deck
Darkmoon Ox Deck
Darkmoon Serpent Deck
Note that all Darkmoon Card Quests work. Search Wowhead for those codes, I am just posting the ones that sell.
Morgraine's Reunion (Crimson Deathcharger)
Frame of Atiesh
Patricide (Rogue Legendary Daggers)

Darkmoon Card Methods to Making Gold
There are two methods to making serious gold with the Darkmoon cards. Please note that the second method is strictly server based. Some servers do not have an auction house economy at all. The first method will still make you serious gold without you having to do a thing.

Method One: (Credits to Winsane for this and the automation. You will need _KeySpam (_keySpam: Timed Keys Sender) for this.

This is what i did to speed up duping of darkmoon cards to vendor them, i estimate you can get ~120k gold/h 100% auto this way.

Share a quest, do the whole cheat engine deal, and freeze the value of that quest at the one for darkmoon cards.

Spam this macro on the account that shares the quest:

/run QuestLogPushQuest()

(must have quest log open and the quest selected)

Spam these macros on the account that is accepting the quest:

/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end

/script AcceptQuest()

When your bags are full, use this macro to sell every item in your inventory:

/run for bag=0,4,1 do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag),1 do local name=GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"") then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("- Selling "..name) UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end

I used _KeySpam for this.

The only thing i haven't made automatic yet is the part where you pause and sell the items, but you can easily make a script for that or perhaps include the selling macro and "Interract with target".

Here is what i did to get 5+ accounts fully automatically duping and selling:

Create 5 characters, get them to the level needed to accept the quest you will be sharing. There are quests you can share at level one, but the one i use required level 4. Move all the characters to a vendor, and get them all invited in a raid group with the account that is going to be sharing quests.

On the quest sharer account:

Open up the quest log and make sure you have the quest you will be sharing selected.

Put this macro on "1"

/run QuestLogPushQuest()

On the rest of the accounts:

This is the tedious part, you need to open up as many cheat engine windows as wowclients, and do the whole cheat engine deal and freeze the value. Make sure you do not do this on the client that is sharing quests, if you accidentally do it, just do /reload ui.

DELTETE you Hearthstone, otherwise you will get an error from trying to sell it with the sell macro.

Bind "Interract with target" to f7 in keybindings ingame.

Put this macro on "1":

/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end
/script AcceptQuest()

Put this macro on "2":

/target ##VENDOR NAME HERE##

/run for bag=0,4,1 do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag),1 do local name=GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"") then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("- Selling "..name) UseContainerItem(bag,slot) end end end

And here is the magical script i made in AutoHotkey!:

[Autohotkey] WinGet, WowWinId, List, World of Warcraft #NoEnv #HotkeyInterval -1 #MaxHotkey

It will loop the dupe macro 78 times at 600ms delay (that's how many bag slots i have on the accounts), and then talk to the vendor and use the sell all items macro a few times. It will also do this on every single wow client that is not active, so you can still play on one account and level/sell cards ect.

You can change how many times you want it to loop to anything that fits you, i have quite a few because i want to make sure all the accounts have empty bags before starting the duping again. You can also change the delays to fit your latency, if you spam it too fast you will get "You are already on that quest" and stuff more than you will actually accept the quest, so it's better to find something that is stable.

Method Two:
Simply place the duped cards on the auction house. You can use method one for this as well to speed up the duping process.

Some Notes and Disclaimers:

I would like to see what else we can find with this. I know with earlier expansions, such as 3.3.5a and Cataclysm there are lots of old quests that can be accepted and completed. Some of the older vanilla quests can't be accepted on Pandashan. This is a guess and check kind of game. Feedback is much appreciated.

I am not responsible with how you use this. For personal gain or insta kill or something, I cannot be held responsible if you do get banned from a server. Use this wisely.

This does not, and I repeat, DOES NOT work on retail.
Don't even bother trying!
- Credits goes to unknown.