WoW Freakz is the best Mists of Pandaria private server with thousands of online players, proving our supremacy in world of warcraft tops, as our competition fails to deliver working Mists of Pandaria content, we continue to give you blizzlike PvE encounters and PvP content.
The difference between us and any other random server is simple: we KNOW what we are doing and we KNOW what the player WANTS. Bugs/problems are solved extremely professional, depending on their priority. Those with high/critical priority are usually solved in a matter of minutes/hours, thus players have the best gameplay all the time.
As proof, we would like you to check or server fixes list. As you can see bugs are solved constantly, scripts get better every day, the server being in a continuous evolution.
What are you waiting for? Register now!

Currently Development Phase:
Phase 1 (Tier 14)
Aim to deliver all dungeons;
All reputation except Shado-Pan Assault, Operation: Shieldwall,Dominance Offensive, Kirin Tor Offensive/Sunreaver Onslaught, Emperor Shaohao;
Craftable Gear: 496;
Justice Gear: 458 / Valor Gear: 489;
Mogu'shan Vault (489 - 502) / Heart of Fear (496 - 509);
Sha of Anger & Galleon;
Honor Gear: Dreadful (458) / Conquest Gear: Malevolent (483) (40% base resilience);
For the entire development plan click here!
Phase 1 (Tier 14)
Aim to deliver all dungeons;
All reputation except Shado-Pan Assault, Operation: Shieldwall,Dominance Offensive, Kirin Tor Offensive/Sunreaver Onslaught, Emperor Shaohao;
Craftable Gear: 496;
Justice Gear: 458 / Valor Gear: 489;
Mogu'shan Vault (489 - 502) / Heart of Fear (496 - 509);
Sha of Anger & Galleon;
Honor Gear: Dreadful (458) / Conquest Gear: Malevolent (483) (40% base resilience);
For the entire development plan click here!

Base Resilience
PvP Power
Battle Fatigue
WAR GAMES (including skirmish arenas)
Reforge, Transmogrification & Void Storage
Base Resilience
PvP Power
Battle Fatigue
WAR GAMES (including skirmish arenas)
Reforge, Transmogrification & Void Storage

Blizzlike spawns, texts, scripted ecounters & npc trash:
Gate of the Setting Sun
Mogu'shan Palace
Shado-Pan Monastery
Siege of Niuzao Temple
Scarlet Monastery
Scarlet Halls
Temple of the Jade Serpent

Blizzlike spawns, texts & scripted ecounters:
World bosses:
Sha of Anger;
Mogu'shan Vaults
-The Stone Guard;
-Feng the Accursed;

Blizzlike spawns, texts, scripted quests & npc:
The Wandering Isle (Pandaren Starting Zone)
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Dread Wastes
Townlong Steppes
The Veiled Stair
Kun-Lai Summit
Krasarang Wilds
Valley of the Four Winds
The Jade Forest

Blizzlike spawns, texts, scripted quests & npc:
Darkmoon Island
Goblin Starting Zone
Worgen Starting Zone

Blizzlike spawns, texts, scripted quests & npc:
Death Knight Starting Zone

Temple of Kotmogu

Twin Peaks
The Battle for Gilneas

Eye of the Storm

Arathi Basin
Warsong Gulch
Alterac Valley

Database Readers - The following scripts read data directly from our database and are 100% precise. Their names should be self-explanatory
PvE - Features particularly made to help you with various activities in-game.
- Raid Finder (Custom made, not the Blizzard one)
- Boss Timers to maintain a high level of competition between guilds
- Cross-faction Dungeon Finder & Raid Finder to lower the queue waiting time.
- Command to see the raid cooldowns/item-level of a specific player (.cd / .ilvl)
- Command to enable/disable spell-queue (.spellqueue on/off)
- Arena Ready Crystal - When both teams are ready, arena start timer will be set to 15 seconds.
- Arena Spectate (includes the ability to see who's spectating)
- Command to see 3v3 queued teams (.3v3)
- Weekly PvP Quest to Win 30 3v3 Rated Arenas
- Challenge (1v1 to 5v5)
- NEW! Blizzlike Armory!
- Recover Deleted Items
- Recover Items from Rollback/Vote
- Customizable Rates
- Arena Points/Cap Calculator
- Great Vote Shop
What are you waiting for? Register now!
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