Just curious why the wow emulation community is so randomly incomplete. I mean the 3.3.5 community seems to have a very solid footing with the DB's just about completely resolved. Outside of a few bugs, there's not a lot missing. but if you step up to 4.3.4, the data is sketchy at best. If you look at the most popular / complete 5.4.8 MOP server's, the database are almost completely vacant.
Why can't the data from the previous releases be used in the next expansion? are the DBC files significantly different? is Creature 34567 not the same creature in 3.3.5 as 4.3.5 as 5.4.8? Are the quests not the same?
It seems to me like you could easily convert the SQL databases from 3.3.5 to 4.3.4 and catch 80-90% of the content and just have to debug / create the remaining 20%. A great example is the beginning (starting) area's for the vanilla races / classes. I have yet to find a 5.4.8 where these lowbie quests are complete and work. I'm failing to understand how that can happen if the core (trinity) and the DBC data are at least relatively similar. it makes no sense how a newly built / updated TC could start from 0% on database items each time.
sorry if this has been discussed or posted prior... I couldn't find it with a search or google.
Just curious why the wow emulation community is so randomly incomplete. I mean the 3.3.5 community seems to have a very solid footing with the DB's just about completely resolved. Outside of a few bugs, there's not a lot missing. but if you step up to 4.3.4, the data is sketchy at best. If you look at the most popular / complete 5.4.8 MOP server's, the database are almost completely vacant.
Why can't the data from the previous releases be used in the next expansion? are the DBC files significantly different? is Creature 34567 not the same creature in 3.3.5 as 4.3.5 as 5.4.8? Are the quests not the same?
It seems to me like you could easily convert the SQL databases from 3.3.5 to 4.3.4 and catch 80-90% of the content and just have to debug / create the remaining 20%. A great example is the beginning (starting) area's for the vanilla races / classes. I have yet to find a 5.4.8 where these lowbie quests are complete and work. I'm failing to understand how that can happen if the core (trinity) and the DBC data are at least relatively similar. it makes no sense how a newly built / updated TC could start from 0% on database items each time.
sorry if this has been discussed or posted prior... I couldn't find it with a search or google.