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Wow Emulation... Why so randomly incomplete?!?


Gold Supporter

Just curious why the wow emulation community is so randomly incomplete. I mean the 3.3.5 community seems to have a very solid footing with the DB's just about completely resolved. Outside of a few bugs, there's not a lot missing. but if you step up to 4.3.4, the data is sketchy at best. If you look at the most popular / complete 5.4.8 MOP server's, the database are almost completely vacant.

Why can't the data from the previous releases be used in the next expansion? are the DBC files significantly different? is Creature 34567 not the same creature in 3.3.5 as 4.3.5 as 5.4.8? Are the quests not the same?

It seems to me like you could easily convert the SQL databases from 3.3.5 to 4.3.4 and catch 80-90% of the content and just have to debug / create the remaining 20%. A great example is the beginning (starting) area's for the vanilla races / classes. I have yet to find a 5.4.8 where these lowbie quests are complete and work. I'm failing to understand how that can happen if the core (trinity) and the DBC data are at least relatively similar. it makes no sense how a newly built / updated TC could start from 0% on database items each time.

sorry if this has been discussed or posted prior... I couldn't find it with a search or google.


Mr. Satan

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Just curious why the wow emulation community is so randomly incomplete. I mean the 3.3.5 community seems to have a very solid footing with the DB's just about completely resolved. Outside of a few bugs, there's not a lot missing. but if you step up to 4.3.4, the data is sketchy at best. If you look at the most popular / complete 5.4.8 MOP server's, the database are almost completely vacant.

Why can't the data from the previous releases be used in the next expansion? are the DBC files significantly different? is Creature 34567 not the same creature in 3.3.5 as 4.3.5 as 5.4.8? Are the quests not the same?

It seems to me like you could easily convert the SQL databases from 3.3.5 to 4.3.4 and catch 80-90% of the content and just have to debug / create the remaining 20%. A great example is the beginning (starting) area's for the vanilla races / classes. I have yet to find a 5.4.8 where these lowbie quests are complete and work. I'm failing to understand how that can happen if the core (trinity) and the DBC data are at least relatively similar. it makes no sense how a newly built / updated TC could start from 0% on database items each time.

sorry if this has been discussed or posted prior... I couldn't find it with a search or google.


I've always wondered the same thing, of why can't we just use the previous expansion data for the next. However, I do not know anything about repack development, nor do I have the time to learn, so I've yet to actually look into it, or ask the question myself.

As for 3.3.5 being so completed, it's because 3.3.5 has been out for so long and has a lot of time being worked on. I've also heard that 3.3.5 was a lot of people's favorite, so more people are willing to work there.
As for 4.3.4 and up, I've heard there was some big change that caused 4.3.4 development to be rather difficult, but I could be wrong on that.


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Just curious why the wow emulation community is so randomly incomplete. I mean the 3.3.5 community seems to have a very solid footing with the DB's just about completely resolved. Outside of a few bugs, there's not a lot missing. but if you step up to 4.3.4, the data is sketchy at best. If you look at the most popular / complete 5.4.8 MOP server's, the database are almost completely vacant.

Why can't the data from the previous releases be used in the next expansion? are the DBC files significantly different? is Creature 34567 not the same creature in 3.3.5 as 4.3.5 as 5.4.8? Are the quests not the same?

It seems to me like you could easily convert the SQL databases from 3.3.5 to 4.3.4 and catch 80-90% of the content and just have to debug / create the remaining 20%. A great example is the beginning (starting) area's for the vanilla races / classes. I have yet to find a 5.4.8 where these lowbie quests are complete and work. I'm failing to understand how that can happen if the core (trinity) and the DBC data are at least relatively similar. it makes no sense how a newly built / updated TC could start from 0% on database items each time.

sorry if this has been discussed or posted prior... I couldn't find it with a search or google.

OK, i will anwser you as DB developer, from 3.3.5 to 4.0.6 to 4.3.4 there's a HUGE changes betwen server functions, creatures GUIDS, nevertheless for example if your creature 34567 it's supposely to have an SmartScript at the DB that says On Death activate X Door but that door target type is set to a GUID used in 3.3.5 let's say 10556 and in cata that same Door have the 254612 GUID then wont work, and in that case are most of the LK and BC quest in the 4.3.4 to forward repacks, also when 4.3.4 project was made, LK was only around 85 to 90 % fixed, at that point was when the DB was re-worked to be a cata version including spawns new creatures quests ETC, so bassically it's and Old Trinity Core Source that keeps updating, here at EC we are fixing like mad mans including LK content, you will see it for 6.2, but as always will take time and the support from all the comunity reporting bugs. :D


Gold Supporter
How does the DBC data fit in? How does it relate to the SQL DB?

I'm very new to the world of WOW emulation, but I've been working with emulators of different sources and types for many years now. Mostly SWGEMU. Based on my current observations (which are limited I admit), it seems that the DBC data contains all you need for the core to work (once the core is developed and functional of course). it also appears that the MySQL db is either identical, or very similar to the dbc data. Again, it appears, but I don't know cause I haven't hacked or peered into the DBC files yet.

I guess where I'm going, isn't it possible to parse out all the data you need from the DBC files, into the MySQL data?



How does the DBC data fit in? How does it relate to the SQL DB?

I'm very new to the world of WOW emulation, but I've been working with emulators of different sources and types for many years now. Mostly SWGEMU. Based on my current observations (which are limited I admit), it seems that the DBC data contains all you need for the core to work (once the core is developed and functional of course). it also appears that the MySQL db is either identical, or very similar to the dbc data. Again, it appears, but I don't know cause I haven't hacked or peered into the DBC files yet.

I guess where I'm going, isn't it possible to parse out all the data you need from the DBC files, into the MySQL data?


Interesting thread first of all. I'll make the first question 'short' as it was mentioned, but basically the DB data are not always valid. Sometimes TrinityCore eg bases their scripts on the creature guid (each creature spawn has an unique guid), and it will not work here then. On top of that, a lot of quests are now outdated on 4.3.4 from 3.3.5, and updated with new ids and effects - these won't work either. And core work, it's the same logic, and boss scripting and other things most likely have to be rewritten to work properly in eg. the emucoach source.

DBC data stores the regular data, like spell cost etc etc, and then you can modify it in eg. the core which sort of makes a restriction saying that it should listen to the core effect and not the default dbc data. Makes sense?

The core is also coded so it sends & requires data from specific tables in the database (mysql) in order to run properly. Eg, correct columns so it matches how it was coded & described in the core. What you are asking now is sort of a bigger question because it's so huge and handles so many different places :p

I hope it gave a little more information on your question(s) though.

Btw, I just moved your thread to the world of warcraft section.


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Honestly, and this is just my experience, everything must be coded by hand. You can't just pull the information down from WoW servers. Therefore every quest must be coded by hand. It takes real WoW devs, as an entire team years to do this. Seeing as Cata changed everything, all the old 3.3.5 quests that we as a community worked so hard on has changed so vastly, it has to be redone from the top down. If you go into 3.3.5 you will notice that not every horde quest is done. WoW servers, such as the vanilla one that recently got shut down, released his database for us and it is as complete as they come for 1.6. I began working on some stuff for 4.3.4 personally, but I will definitely donate $22 and download 6.2 and see how complete it is. I hear he is hard at work doing it, and donations really help him focus on this instead of work. It is a really good repack and my favorite expansion. 6.0 is really feature complete with very little not working as far as classes go. 6.2 and the promised 6.3 brings some more fixes. $22 is cheaper than WoW time and brings you the power of WoW developer at home! :D While I don't personally agree he should lock it behind a paywall, it isn't expensive. Putting something behind a paywall draws attention from Blizzard.