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Trial Member
WoW-Delusion 3.3.5a/4.3.4

Why WoW-Delusion?
Simply because we hear out our community. We are a server that wants to concentrate on the community and not on the donations. There are a lot of server out there with bad customer service, which is ridiculous. We give back to the community with real Prizes

What we do on a daily basis:
-Fix spells, bugs
-Improve hosting specs
-Keep database up to date
-Add new content to our Dragonspine realm
-Keep the server running smoothly

What we don’t do:
-Ignore Community
-Sit back and watch donations come in and let the server get out dated and bugged
-Ban you without a reason
-Promise things we can’t keep

Time to give you an overview of WoW-Delusion
DragonSpine 4.3.4 Cataclysm:
-Instant LvL 85 PvP Realm; with x20 drop/gold rates
-All dungeons are mostly scripted - We cannot promise them to be bug free but we will resolve any bugs reported.
-Most raids are scripted, but we cannot promise them to be bug free but we will resolve any bugs reported.
-Very stable TrinityCore
-Developers working daily to improve the realm

Delusion 3.3.5a Wotlk:
-Blizzlike Pvp/PvE Realm x1 rates
-Free heirlooms for 3 weeks only
-All Dungeons and Raids are scripted, but just like the other realm we can’t promise 100% working since bugs appear daily and need to be reported so we can fix them
-Very Stable TrinityCore
-Developers working daily to keep the realm running smoothly

About Staff:
-From different time zones giving the option of GM’s on 24/7
-Experienced Staff members, resulting in quick fixes and great customer service.​


Dragonspine 4.3.4 Dueling Zone

Mall/Starting Location

Personal Teleporter
Custom Transmog Wep
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