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[WoW 3.3.5] Server Emulation Help


Trial Member
I am trying to set-up a Wotlk server on my local machine and can't get it to work. I was following the guide at zremax, which also points to downloads here on EMUCoach

• I downloaded the Vmaps, Maps, MMaps, DBC download
• I downloaded the Database download for 3.3.5
• I downloaded the Core Download for Wotlk
All of the above came from this screen (the links) https://zremax.com/blog/wotlk-repack-wow/

I also downloaded the game client link on that screen
• WoW 3.3.5 download

I have them all on my machine but aren't really sure how to structure the files.

I follow the steps written here: https://zremax.com/blog/how-to-make-your-own-wow-private-server/
• I did not find a release folder in any of the downloads but I think that's the core folder for the WoW 3.3.5 download, is this correct?
• I run the MySQL.bat from _Server and it loads

**Here** here where I run into an issue..
• I attempt to load worldserver.exe and authserver.exe and I get the following error
`The code execution cannot proceeed because MSVCR100.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.`

There is an MSVCR100.dll file in the file that came downloaded from the WoW 3.3.5 client. Do I need to structure it in a way so that they can find each other? Or is there some other issue?

Hoping anyone can help a newb like myself!