Welcome home Traveler! WoWPortal Welcomes you!
WoWPortal is a World of Warcraft | WOTLK Progressive PVE Server! Currently on Ulduar Patch.
WoWPortal's development started 11 months ago, we are using our own, privately Developed Emulator
Our Dedicated Server Solution comes with Automatic Backup System, Anti-DDos System and we run the following hardware:
▶ CPU: Intel i7-7700K - 4c/8t - 4.2GHz /4.5GHz
▶ RAM: 64GB DDR4 2400 MHz
▶ Anti-DDoS Pro 900GB
▶ 1.2TB NVMe drives
WoWPortal is a
Progressive PVE Server aiming towards a specific community and players, we are a high rate server, if you do not like long leveling process and you prefer to level quicker then we are the server for you! We also offer Character Boost for players who wishes to skip all the leveling and get straight to business! While we do offer character boost, we do not sell any gear, we only have cosmetics in our shop for example: Mounts, Toys, Tabards and so on.
All of our Raids and Dungeons were re-scripted and adjusted to match Blizzlike Standards using newest code style, we have an integrated Bugtracker System which gives players an easy way to report their issues which goes straight to our developers. Our Bugtracker and changelogs are available on our website. We also use Dynamic Spawn system and increased nodes density.
In addition to all the classic content brought by Wrath of the Lich King, we do have many custom features as well. We've brought
Transmogrification into the game, allowing players to dress their characters the way they want. Custom mounts are also available, adding more collectibility. To support this, we have a wide range of models for both - ranging from the familiar Classic World of Warcraft staples, to the latest fashions and rides from Battle for Azeroth.
Experience and other multipliers:

Experience – x5

World Drops/Loot – x5 until level 80 | x1 at level 80

Premium Account Boost - x10/x10 (can be purchased at WoWPortal Online Store)

Reputation – x5

Honor – x5

Gold– x5
Our Custom Scripts and Features:
-Portable Stone/Teleporter
-Currency Exchange
-All in One Trainers
-Activity Badge System
-Leveling Rewards System
-Character Services
-Custom Taxi Mode
-Custom Arena Brackets | SoloQ
-Arena Spectate and Challenge Mode
-Player Bounty System
-Voting System and in-game exchange system
-Premium XP System where players can have access to higher rates.
-Premium Exchange System (no customs, no gear)
- Transmogrification
-Transmogrification Exchange System
-Weapon Visual System
-Character Services
-Character Trade
-Crossfaction System which includes: Auction-house, Raids, Channels and Trade.
-Player Custom Commands to facilitate and ameliorate your game play experience

Our Transmog System consists of a items and sets from other expansions up until WOD. We carry Legion Artifacts and Mythics, WOD/BFA Sets and Weapons, MOP Challenge Mode and very rare collectible items.

Our Mounts, NPCS, Bosses and World creatures are re-textured to match Legion.

We also have very unique Custom Mounts System where players have to gather materials in order to make custom mounts.

WoWPortal uses a very unique interface system, character creation and Client Modifications.

Our Server is very custom, however we do not have any Custom Gear or anything that can affect the balance or economy of the world.

Our dedicated team of Developers work countless hours to provide you with a very stable server environment and concentrating on PVE Encounters/Instances scripting to match Blizzard Standards while giving Quests and Game Mechanics a top priority.

We use Github as a 3rd party Issue Tracker and apply fixes every 2 weeks. Any changes applied to our core or database are posted instantly in our Discord | Updates Channel.

WoWPortal uses a custom anticheat integration which acts as an independent Anticheat Solution and has access to Kick and Ban any offenders and IP Ban upon recidivism.

Our Gamemasters/Staff come from Different Time Zones and available at all times to assist our players.

We use Github as a 3rd party Issue Tracker and apply fixes every 2 weeks. Any changes applied to our core or database are posted instantly in our Discord | Updates Channel.
Our Website:
Our Discord:
Frequently Asked Questions: