Verified Member
- 5
- 2018
- 0
SQL Developer
C++ Developer
Custom Launcher Developer
Web Developer
If you are able to fill any these roles, please join our Discord to discuss your potential position.
Other positions can be discussed further.
These positions are NOT PAID!
A little bit about our server and our idea...
Vitalis is a 3.3.5 Custom Level 80 realm which enables our players to begin exploring fast paced custom content
Travel through custom tiers, world bosses, raids, dungeons and custom events while feeling the benefits of WotLK and more!
- Start with 36 slot bags and 5000g
- 2500 Custom Items
- Respeccing is free
- Level up to lvl 80
- Cosmetic items drop from bosses/elites/rares
- Transmog and custom transmog items
- Custom dungeons/raids
- All classes available for each race
- Custom World Bosses
- Custom Item Sets
- Custom Leveling Items
- Custom Currency
- Custom Season 9 Items
- Mall area to teleport to
- Donation NPCs
- Cross-faction grouping/guilds world PVP enabled
Please connect to our Discord to learn more about the project and ask us questions.