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[WOTLK][LEGION] GamerPort.space - there is no place like home!


Verified Member
Hello community!
Affter long time, we are would like to present "THE BEST THING WHAT ARE YOU SEEN!" (or "WORST THING WHAT ARE YOU SEEN!") - this is realy superstate of all of things. By the way:

Join to our servers to play with friends, girlfriends, fairytail characters or yourself alterego.
Visit web-site for more information: https://gamerport.space
Choose you way:Legion or Wrath of The Lich King.

Prepare for start!

Low rates from 0.8 to 1.1(1.3).
Grind style gameplay.
Solo dungeons (exclude raids) / solo RDF.
Agony subsystem: kill the 5 mobs/players in you level range +-4 levels and get BURST!
Nemesis subsystem: sometime, when you are IMPOSSIBLE, nemesis can attack you!

For playing on Legion Expansion:
download minimal client at https://gamerport.space/downloads/GP_Legion.zip
register account on https://gamerport.space for Legion
Edit you WoW/WTF/Config.wtf, and change SET portal string to SET portal "wow.gamerport.space"
Login into game with you email/password on register.
For playing on Wrath of The Lich King:
download client at https://gamerport.space/downloads/GP_WoTLK.torrent
register account on https://gamerport.space for Wrath of The Lich King
Edit you realmlist.wtf , and change SET realmlist string to SET realmlist wow.gamerport.space
Login into game with you username/password on register.