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[WOTLK] FleXWoW Server | Fenris PVE


Trial Member
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Howdy Emucoach Members,

FleXWoW is a brand new server that has been in development for few years now, we are now ready to share our work with the public with our new Fenris PVE Realm.

In this post we will try to cover as much information as possible and provide the most important details regarding our new realm.

FleXWoW Project was born in year 2017 and was created by Primph. Using a private 3.3.5 emulator with a purpose to create a very stable and balanced scaled server environment with heavy modifications to existing instance scripts to cater solo progression and flexible group sizes. These modifications were applied to every single end game scripts and approximately to 80% of TBC and Vanilla raids. While the scaling system covers every instance, these modifications were applied as extras to cater the needs of Solo players and small flexible groups.

FleXWoW Fenris realm has a very specific progressive timeline which includes a release of custom content starting at Naxxramas. This timeline is flexible and may receive some modifications as we monitor the progression speed on our Fenris Realm.

Introduction to Fenris Realm:

  • Dynamic XP and Loot Systems
  • Experience/Loot Rates: x3
  • Gold Rates: x2
  • Professions: x6
  • Quests: x2
  • Realm Wide crossfaction integration
  • Custom instance XP formulas (no split)

  • Starter Mounts
  • Personal Teleporter
  • Online Tokens rewarded for your time spent playing
  • World Trainer System
  • Solo Queue PVE/PVP Environments
  • Transmogrification
  • Retro Ported Items from many expansions (part of our timeline gradual release)
  • Custom Mounts and Custom Visuals (part of our timeline gradual release)

FleXWoW infrastructure:

  • Privately developed core (multithreading architecture)
  • Coded from scratch Scaling System and Solo Integration
  • Powerful Anticheat System
  • Powerful Dedicated Server Machine hosted in Netherlands
  • AntiDDOS Protection
  • Server Wide Game Firewall
  • Website VPS Server
  • Failover IP Configuration for redundant server

Our main goal is to create a stable server environment with a healthy economy and to provide a home for players looking to embark on a very interesting adventure with a solo/flex friendly composition of systems and scripts to make that adventure more unique than ever.

Community aspect of FlexWoW is very important to us and we will do everything in our power to make our server your new home, we are very open to constructive criticism and welcome our community input on every single aspect of our server, as a member of FleXWoW you will have access to suggestion system where community will have an option to decide and vote on suggestions for future implementations.

Without further ado, we welcome everyone to try our Fenris Realm by visiting our website and follow our countdown to release:

Website: https://flexwow.net
Discord: https://flexwow.net/discord

As always, thank you for choosing FleXWoW!