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Wotlk classic


Verified Member
Wrath Classic Pre-Patch starts today and with it we have some updates that are coming to the game.

WoWHead datamined the possible Deluxe Edition for Wrath Classic which includes similar things to the TBC Deluxe Edition. A mount that seems to be a glider, a pet that seems to be a penguin, a level boost (in this case level 70), and what seems to be a cosmetic toy that summons a Tuskarr angler by your side. We do not know the price of this yet but chances are it will be $40-$60 USD.

Wrath Fresh starts today with Pre-Patch and the servers have been announced. Originally the announcement showed just 1 server per region EU and US and they were PvP. Due to instant backlash they decided to add a second server to each region that is PvE. This is controversial because there is a lot of debate about if fresh servers will even last or if they will die off quick.