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[WOTLK][ACORE] Destiny-WoW Project looking for:


Verified Member
Hello everyone,

About server :

Project Destiny-WoW are looking for new additions with a nice touch of humor, dedication and development skills to join us on our mission to revamp Azeroth as we remember it - in addition of revamped mechanics of raid and dungeon bosses, we wish to give the players new incentives to wander around the immense world of Azeroth to engage in custom quests that will reward the players with existing in-game items that will be beneficial for both PvP and PvE players - this will work as a time-killer during raid lockouts and for those who wish to participate in casual, yet competing content.

At the moment, we are are looking for:

Core developer - C++ Developers must be fluent in Azerothcore based code and must be able to provide examples of there work during the recruitment process.

SQL developer -SQL Developers must be well versed and know how to edit/fix SmartAI scripts.You must also have a understanding of WoWPackerParser & Packet Sniffing.

Website developer - To help us with simple php scripts. Ideas to improve are always welcome.

Game Masters - People who are willing to help players to solve in-game in a Professional way. Must know GM commands.

Community Manager - Community Managers must act professional and mature to reflect the servers image. At no given time are you to engage in any situation that could reflect a negative image to Project.

-Fluency in English.
-Knowledge and understanding of the Server Rules.
-Available and dedicated to put some work into the server.
-Willing to put the needs of the server ahead of their own in-game needs.
-Knowledge of and experience in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Expansion is an asset.

-Knowledge and experience in programming using C++ (Core Developer)
-Knowledge and experience in programming using HTML, CSS and PHP. (Website Developer)
-Knowledge and experience in SQL database development and management using MySQL. (Database Developer)

We will pay you ??
For the moment no, we can't pay you without the income from the players, i pay atm all alone. But i will pay you if we have the power to do this.

-x7 Exp
-x7 Quest Exp
-x7 Exploring Exp
-x7 Profession
-x7 Skill rate
-x7 Rep rate

Discord Server : Discord

If you wanna talk directly with me you can add me in discord : Mitaka#5427

Thanks for your time ! Regards!
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