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Worldserver cannot connect to MySQL


Verified Member
Good evening,

I've downloaded the Gold VIP repack and am currently stumped by how to get past the error for my worldserver.exe where it states it cannot connect to the mysql. I have the two dll files from OpenSSL in place already but I lack the technical knowhow to figure out my next step, and haven't been able to find this issue using the search function on the forum board. Attached I have the error message in a screenshot.

Thank you for your time.


  • error.png
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MoP Premium
Verified Member
South Carolina
First, I'd make sure my worldserver.conf file was pointing to the correct SQL port, as you are using the default 3306 it should, but that is where I'd start. In the worldserver.conf file make sure your 3 databases locations look like this-
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v14_vip_gold_auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v14_vip_gold_world"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v14_vip_gold_char"

The dll file error would cause the worldserver to not even start so that doesn't sound like your issue. I have only seen the error you have when either I haven't started the SQL server before loading the worldserver or if the port number is incorrect- example your SQL port is 3306, but your worldconfig file is looking for 3308.


Verified Member
Hmm, still stuck then. My worldconfiq is set to 3306 already. I appreciate the pointers, and hopefully will have more time to tinker with things after work today.


MoP Premium
Verified Member
South Carolina
I don't want to suggest anything too convoluted, but I did have an issue once with a repack that just wouldn't work on port 3306 so I had to go into the SQL my.cnf file and change it in that case to 3308 and update my authserver.conf and worldserver.conf to 3308 for the databases (login, char, world) from 3306. The interesting thing is clearly your auth server is working on port 3306 so I am not sure this is the answer, but thought I could throw it out there as if you have something else using port 3306 this might do the trick, but it is clearly a guess on my part.

Also, if you are like "umm, where is the my.cnf file to change the port?" it is _Server>mysql>bin>my.cnf (assuming no change to the Emucoach naming conventions). Once you do this make sure to close and restart the SQL server...good luck! (attached a quick screenshot of my.cnf file- I use port 3340, but please don't let that confuse you)


  • mycnf screenshot.JPG
    mycnf screenshot.JPG
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Verified Member
Appreciate the new tip farns418, but sadly that has not solved the issue for me. I will keep fiddling around and hopefully something works out. If you think of anything else though I'll accept any help I can get XD

Edit: So I can run the worldserver if I run it after the authserver, but I still cannot connect in the wow client. This has me thinking if the authserver using port 8085 is the problem perhaps? I have no idea why authserver says "added realm ''emucoach - v14 gold vip'' at" So far as I can tell there is nothing in the confiq that would point it to port 8085, and port 3306 isn't blocked or occupied according to command prompt. I am still thoroughly stumped. =/
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Verified Member
Sorry for the double post but I have a different problem now. Changed things in the worldserver config to get the 8085 connection, but now as the server is trying to start up it eventually halts and I get the attached error.


  • error1.png
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MoP Premium
Verified Member
South Carolina
Is it possible you have another worldserver running using port 8085 or another program using that port? I got that same error before when I had Legion running and I tried to run Cata before realizing both were set to port 8085 as once I changed the Cata port it finished loading. If the port is open it just closes/halts. Just a thought.

I wanted to add you should load in this order- SQL server, authserver, worldserver. Also, the authserver port is housed in the auth database in the realmlist table it isn't in the config file itself- I use Navicat to look at the tables as that is also where you can rename the server to say "Prince Gallywix", but this can get quite complex if this is your first foray into a private server.

Added a screenshot that shows the auth database tables in Navicat for reference.


  • Auth database Tables.JPG
    Auth database Tables.JPG
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Verified Member
I have been doing it in the proper order for sure, it was just an observation during my testing to figure out how to get past my first problem. Right now the problem is as presented in my newer screenshot, I'm getting the failed to open acceptor error. all of my other servers can use the exact same port no problem but no matter what port I select for Ra.Port (the current culprit) I get the same problem. So far I've had no luck figuring out how to get past this problem, regardless of whatever port I try to use.


Verified Member
So it turns out if I completely restart from step 1 it will somehow work the second time around. Sorry to be a pain but i really appreciate the time you took to try and help me out farns 418!