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World Server Crashes Cataclysm 4.3.4 v10.1

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Veteran Member
Not sure if this is a bug or my computer so not posting it in bugs for now. So the firelands raid and ice crown citadel raid crash my server after being in them for a few minutes. It could be my computer, I have 4gb ram and 1.6 quad-core CPU. However I tested other raids like Baradins Hold, Naxxramas, and Onyxias Lair with 39 bots, to see if my computer could handle it. I used 10 and 25 for the firelands and ICC. And those raids ran fine. So is this a known issue? Or my computer. I red about a similar bug happening in molten core.

EDIT: Think its a DK bot bug closing this thread and making one in bug reports
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