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(World Of Warcraft) What kind of wow private server do people want


Verified Member
Hello I and few of my friends have decided to start a project regarding* a wow private server with custom content but before we even start we asked ourselves a question and that question is: What kind of a wow Private server do people want?
I have made some answers I am going to write them here so I can help you guys choose (they might be similar)
1) an instant 80 wow server with custom content
a)With huge stats
b)with casual slim stats
c)progressive gear (start low and evolve into huge stats)
d)progressive gear(start low but evolve into casual stats)
2)an instant 255 server with custom content
a)With huge stats
b)with casual slim stats
c)progressive gear (start low and evolve into huge stats)
d)progressive gear(start low but evolve into casual stats)
3)start level 1 and level up to 255
a)With huge stats
b)with casual slim stats
c)progressive gear (start low and evolve into huge stats)
d)progressive gear(start low but evolve into casual stats)
aa)easy leveling with no quest/dungeons to do while leveling
bb)easy leveling with quest/dungeons to do while leveling
cc)hard leveling with no quests/dungeons to do while leveling
dd)hard leveling with quests/dungeons to do while leveling
those are the answers I came up with if you decide to choose one of them just reply by the number of the server type then the letter of the server system(as for choice number 3 you give 2 server letters example: 3/a/aa) and write if you want to have insane attack and cast speed or not
Note: I don't need any staff as I have enough people now
note2: it will be for wotlk 3.3.5


I guess you might want to create something unique, or if you go blizzlike - ensure it's working better than others to be honest.

Give them a reason: Why should they play on your server instead of XX?


For people who are looking for an International Cataclysm Blizzlike Server, coming up in association with Emucoach repack;
https://cataclysm-wow.com/ (server is not yet public!)

You are welcome to follow the Discord to keep track.

PvE Realm-type. Friendly community.​


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
For me? In a nutshell? Blizzlike, no instant levels, and official is ruined now due to "easy everything". Yes I GM cheat my repack to try out things, but to actually "play"? I want the old school. :)

[note] There are "some things I can see maybe lightening up on for beginner players at least? Let em start with a lil pocket change to kill the "grind eternal to catch initial skill buys up to your level" not a lot, maybe 5-10 gold? Maybe allow learning more than 2 skills? (you have to level them, you earn them with work, and money you earn often as well so why not?) The server settings allow 10, but the panel will only show 2 after WOLK, so you need create "Macro's only for cata, and above. Maybe free stat reset? "at least 1 time" (skill tree builds ARE a learned process) lol :D Maybe start a guild for new players. 1 Horde & 1 Alliance. To let them see how a guild works, and offer a sense of unity til they get their feet wet? :)

I would LOVE to add the new character classes, and areas. But less the more "selfie "awards for every little silly thing", more work required to level like old warcraft, and the actual WOLK type skill trees reemplimented and weapon skill leveling. "in other words, add the new without changing/ruining the old [keep it in the oldschool theme]" {No buy it, earn it on 1 - get it on everything? no buy 90-100 be a supernoob, period. was a teen-adult game, not barneys preschool} (the addition of the weapon leveling at advanced levels would be ok) But I imagine this would be a hellish nightmare to do. Would pretty much be recreating warcraft FROM SCRATCH! xD lol
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