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World of Warcraft Private Servers & WoW Emulation


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World of Warcraft Private Servers

One of the major reasons why many World of Warcraft players have already quit is that the game is not like the way it used to be. This is why so many players are resorting to WOW private servers. Before getting into a detailed discussion on wow emulation, let us start with a brief introduction to the term private server. Wow private servers can emulate the gaming experience of online games. Now, one can ask the question – why play on a private server when there are official servers available? One of the major reasons why more and more players are resorting to wow private servers is that they are free. Another important reason is that the private servers implement special rules of gameplay which varies considerably from the official servers. For instance the experience rates of the player can become 100 times faster in a private wow server. Moreover the new characters start at a maximum level when you play the game on a private server. A World of Warcraft game on a private server comes with interesting alterations like special mobs, special game events and custom items.

Playing World of Warcraft on a private server is much more convenient than playing it on the official servers. It would allow you to play games which you otherwise couldn’t have played. For instance, if one particular game is not available in your locality then the private server would help to fill that void. Moreover when a game is officially taken down or discontinues a private server would still allow the players to carry on with the game. These are some of the reasons which contributed to the immense popularity of private servers among gamers. Private servers which have been around for more than 20 years are still growing in popularity; in spite of the constant talk of legal gray areas, it is impossible to kill them. Even when one of them is shut down forcibly, three more springs up in its stead.
CMaNGOS is the best free and open source of WoW emulation software. There are 3 additional servers which come with their own distinctive flavours:

The Westfall WoW server is reminiscent of vanilla World of Warcraft.

The Excalibur WoW is a famous Burning Crusade server which also comes with a functional Arena PvP.

The Molten WoW (now called warmane) is yet another powerful World of Warcraft server which hosts about 21,000 concurrent players across eight servers on a regular basis.

So by now you must have understood that the demand for unofficial WoW variants is steadily increasing. However there have been a few emulator related lawsuits in the last few years which is why players are still plagued by a basic question: “Are these private servers illegal?” There is no easy answer to that question. If the private server is making a profit out of its activities then its surely illegal. In case the server is running stolen software then also it is illegal. Distribution of client files by a server is also considered illegal. However when the server passes these 2 vital aspects the companies wouldn’t have much ground to sue them.

If you are more interested in private servers being illegal or not, I advice you to check out this thread: