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World of Private | WoW Emulation Discord Community with 600+ Users! | Join us today!


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World of Private is a longstanding Discord community created with the intention of connecting members from various wow emulation forums on a new, more fast paced, platform. Whether you're a server owner trying to advertise your project, a developer looking for work, a streamer trying to build a community or a player trying to find his new home, World of Private has you covered.​

The WoP discord server provides a plethora of quality of life features aimed at assisting you in finding a solution to any of your problems. Through the usage of our discord server you will be able to easily:
  • Advertise your project
  • Recruit developers and testers
  • Sell your services
  • Promote your Twitch stream or Youtube channel
  • Get assistance in solving problems
  • Stay in touch with all emulation related news
  • Socialize with amazing people
  • And much more

Our discord server currently consists of 600+ permanent accounts, among which you will notice some familiar faces, various server owners and developers, content creators and players that you've met throughout your years of playing private servers.

The staff team, as of now, consists of 4 members, which are:
Lushen (Lushen#4800 The Founder of WoP and the founder of the Felwood Classless project)
Loud21/Luka (Luka#0666, Head of Staff)
Flannel (l̶ǝu̶u̶ɐl̶Ⅎ#0001 Head Moderator and administrator of Oblivion and Wardonic private servers)
Jameyboor (Jamey#4126, Lead Moderator)

Welcome to our Community friends!


Click the Discord Icon to join us, or use this Link: World of Private