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[WORLD]emucoachworld DB Problem?


Verified Member
I just wanted to ask this because I was curious if any one else had a similar problem, or if I messed up somehow, trying to figure out if there could be more problems;

I brought my server up using the Emucoach v.6 VIP repack, following the instructions and successfully had it online, and made public and linked with a Fusion-CMS website in no time, no problems.

So as I start playing with friends and other players, I realized every couple minutes I would have a GM Ticket regarding missing NPC's. (Broken or bugged quests is what I expected) Instead of dealing with working things out to make as much quests workable as possible, I was bombarded with requests to summon missing npc's. Now this did not mean all npc's were missing, it was sporadic. For example in Borean Tundra,the "battlefield" where soldiers are fighting Crypt Lords and the such was not spawned at ALL. Fishing Trainer was not spawned next to the vendor in Darnassus, and some Innkeepers in MAJOR CITIES.

I opened up my Database and went to emucoachworld > creatures and looked up the amount of Rows and got back around 174k~.

I decided to SQL DUMP my emucoachworld database to have a backup since I was going to mess around with it on my server.

I messed up, and Emptied the database and just Executed SQL on my Backup > emucoachworld.sql

and VIOLA! looked up the amount of Rows and got back around 181k~

When I logged back in, sooo many things were now properly spawned, and many places like Valiance Keep battlefield was populated with soldiers and nerubians fighting.

I installed and ran this repack no problems, no errors. I am confused as to why my world database was properly populated after I re-imported my world DB. Should I be worried about my other databases? Perhaps backup and re-import them...:confused::confused:

Thanks for reading.


Gold Supporter
Epic Member
Sometimes when a world sql file is imported it SOMETIMES misses certain things. SQL is like C++ IT HAS TO BE 100% perfect. Except on C++ you can change it as many times as you want. when u apply an SQL file there's no turning back.

But if u found the newest import working best then take a backup of that.


Verified Member
I knew it would be somewhere along the lines of that, so should I primarily worry about the world DB since its the largest of them, or should I check the others?




Gold Supporter
Epic Member
I knew it would be somewhere along the lines of that, so should I primarily worry about the world DB since its the largest of them, or should I check the others?



World only. it's the database handling the in-game stuff