Hi, i have the server working fine and can login and out etc ok, most quests seem ok but i have noticed 1 or 2 strange things, in a few starting zones some of the mobs are floating in the air also in stormwind some guards float, also the guards in gnomeregan are to ovver agrod, you cant kill anything before a guard stomps in and kills it, lso in dwarf starting zone you cant catch the starting quest giver as he is running all over killing stuff, the main issue though seems to be the floating characters.
PS great repack though, works great apart from the issues above plus its been runing on my win 2012 r2 server for over a week no restarts and is pretty stable. still testing b4 i go pubic but i like so far....
PS great repack though, works great apart from the issues above plus its been runing on my win 2012 r2 server for over a week no restarts and is pretty stable. still testing b4 i go pubic but i like so far....