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WOD HD PATCHES to 3.3.5a client problem


Verified Member
Hi everyone, i was trying to use this patches that where first the work of Anthony (always thankfull for his work), and they are supposed to be 2 patches that can let you play with WOD HD models in the 3.3.5a client. They seem work with minor bug´s. With a clean 3.3.5a client.

I have a modded client with modified version of Anthony´s work (cata and mop maps npc etc. Along with worgen glboin and pandaren races. So I can use the WOD hd characters without editing my current patches.

Here is the link with the WOD patches (ignore the patches I and J) but scroll down to find patches W and EnUs, that have ficed the NPC issue.


With this information

"This first file goes into your "DATA" folder inside your WoW folder:


This second file goes into your "enUS" folder inside your DATA folder:
*Note: if you are using another version of the client sub in your version for the "en" part of the file, I believe other versions might use "gb".


Most NPCs look legit, havent found any errors yet. On character creation there are a few discrepencies but nothing like the Patch J or Patch I files.

EDIT: Found one error on NPCs so far, Undead Male has a missing jaw model.

Here are some screenshoots of my patches and the ones (MINE)


And this are screenshot of the WOD patches from Warmane (fixed patch thatt is) Patch w and patch enUS


Can someone help me to see what patches need to replaced or fixed so I can get the WOD HD and my patches working? My Skype is Roberto.Perales78 I can pay for your time, if you can do this!

Thanks in advance for your help.


I am only leaving Patch 4 - image and the 2 custom WOD patches images, up. because I believe that only PATCH 4 is messing with WOD HD pack patch. What files should I remove or modify from it?