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Which database would house the rage/runic/focus/energy income rates?


Verified Member
I am unable to affect the rates in the regular world conf file for focus and energy, so I wanted to dig and see where the issue is. I know they are listed as resources on WoWhead but after sifting through in HeidiSQL, I cannot for the life of me find them.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


Silver Supporter
It's not a database or config problem, it's a core problem. I don't know if the VIP version has a fixed version, but the v7 certainly doesn't. Tried another Cataclysm repack and it didn't worked either. Couldn't manage to build up a more recent one myself.

EDIT: it's not fixed in v11 either. Possible workarounds depending on what you wanna play :
- Add a "builder" spell, I did that on a 3.3.5a repack, you can also change one of the power to give back energy. It works pretty well to pace up the rotation without changing it too much
- Use cheat like power or cooldown to remove power cost and/or cooldown depending on the class
- Add a regen aura - haven't tried that myself, but I guess it's a pretty good alternative to a custom spell
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