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What do you think about Asmongold ?


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I want to know opinions about one of the most famous neckbeard on all Internet ? What are your opinion about him ?


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Honestly i think hes a nice guy. I rly don't see any problem with him , good debates :D


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Asmongold is a goofy and sometimes insane guy, but always entertaining.

His knowledge of the game is insane, he literally knows everything related to WoW and it's lore.

I really like him, because he is funny, entertaining but can also go into full serious mode when it comes to reallife stuff etc.

And the fact that he is lives in his mothers loft is the best thing about him haha

Mr. Satan

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He's got quite the ego. I personally don't think he'd be that great of a guy to hang around due to things like a constant streaming schedule preventing any real time for hanging out other than talking for a little bit, and as I've said his ego. I imagine he talks about himself a good amount, and he probably doesn't like to be wrong, even in the slightest. Wouldn't surprise me if he had anger issues.

However, I enjoy watching his streams every now and then as he can be rather funny, as well as his content. Sometimes his ego can even be funny, such as when he takes the WoW quizzes.
Basically, I wouldn't want to be friends with him, but I tend to enjoy his content.

Edit: As user Damieninabox mentioned, he does live with his mother, which is interesting. It's one thing to live with parents on a small to more average income in the younger years to help you save up money, etc.. But for Asmongold, with how old he is plus how much money he makes, he really should consider getting his own place. But I'm not one to tell people how to spend their money, so whatever floats his boat.
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We have the same point of view about Asmongold. The thing i love about him is the WoW Background he has, probably one of the best player i have ever seen playing a Warrior and the passion he put into it is remarkable.
But his ego, oh gosh, he is the definition of the cult of personality. I hate him when with that bonobo of McConnell make jokes about who play WoW casually or just for fun as a game should be, they live for that game and don't undestand that there is a real world outhere and having your own house,accomplish your own goals is better than have the latest mount or the latest BiS in the game. Sorry again for my english i really love your opinions and this Forum.
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He has definitely given me some entertainment, and he's a person who has a lot to say and who's not afraid to raise his opinion. I like him :)


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I mean don't get me wrong, I do not care about him living at his parents house, since (from what I know and have heard) he really supports his parents with all the money he makes, that's nothing I want/can judge him for.
Italians live in their parents house no matter their age so I think that's fine hahaha (not offending any italian lol)

I mean his ego is what makes him so entertaining right? So that's like his thing and in my opinion, he totally deserves his "fame" amongst all the WoW streamers + the money.

Perfect example to become rich without having any serious job or skills in reallife, but as I said, he totally deserves it, because he EXACTLY knows what to say and when to say it, overall - an awesome dude with funny hair and a weird beard.


Verified Member
He's got quite the ego. I personally don't think he'd be that great of a guy to hang around due to things like a constant streaming schedule preventing any real time for hanging out other than talking for a little bit, and as I've said his ego. I imagine he talks about himself a good amount, and he probably doesn't like to be wrong, even in the slightest. Wouldn't surprise me if he had anger issues.

However, I enjoy watching his streams every now and then as he can be rather funny, as well as his content. Sometimes his ego can even be funny, such as when he takes the WoW quizzes.
Basically, I wouldn't want to be friends with him, but I tend to enjoy his content.

Edit: As user Damieninabox mentioned, he does live with his mother, which is interesting. It's one thing to live with parents on a small to more average income in the younger years to help you save up money, etc.. But for Asmongold, with how old he is plus how much money he makes, he really should consider getting his own place. But I'm not one to tell people how to spend their money, so whatever floats his boat.

His mother plays WOW also, I think there relationship is pretty strong for it. I wouldn't want it that close, but I think it's somewhat nice and Ideal for him. He may have grown into a shell of comfort that would make the rest of the world quite scary for him.