- 5,119
- 2014
- 1,637
Hello everyone, before I move on I would like to say this is a share from "Zhengism" I thought it would be nice to start release some WoD content and similar.
I'm sure there's people here who plays retail, so yeah it may be useful, here you go:
Hey there, Zhengism here. I've always been a person that loved to level in World of Warcraft. A couple of years ago I got into speedrunning and enjoyed the scene eversince. I combined those two things back when Cataclysm hit and missed my goal for the server first 85 just by a couple of minutes due to not carefully reading the race change FAQ and losing a questlog full of completed quests. Came back for Mists of Pandaria, stepped it up and managed to get server first 90 Monk.
Now I want to be one of the first 100s. Unfortunately for some of us, Blizzard decided to take out the achievements for hitting the new max level first but there are still sites that track progress on this. I figured, no achievement = no real contest and therefore no (friendly) competition. Most WoW speedrunners and serious contester for server firsts will keep their tactics and routes private but as there's no official race here, I will share my work and insight with you guys, which is hopefully appreciated. I've put a lot of hard work and time into this but at the end I think it's worth the sleep I've lost during this.
After that's out the way, let's get started - and don't forget to have fun and enjoy leveling Draenor. It's such a wonderful place! Have fun!
The following guide on how to level as fast as possible to 100 on Horde side is a result of multiple hours of testing, theorycrafting different methods and leveling to 100 over and over again (almost 14 times to level cap and multiple toons between 90 and 100). I was able to hit 100 legitimately in under 5 hours using this route and I hope this will help some of you to quickly get to the new levelcap aswell. It's advantageously if you've already done the quests once on beta as I won't go into details on the certain quests. No bugs or exploits are used.
Feel free to add me on EU Battle.net if you want to ask anything particular and I'd be delighted to help you out.
VOD of a commentated run
Another VOD of a run and now outdated route - completed in 5:17

My very last run with my leveling partner on Beta after heavy changed to the route - was faaar from perfect and the route was still unfished, alot of room for improvement. We want to get it down to around 4 hours for release.

old route

better run that got ruined in Nagrand - old route aswell

one of my first routes
IMPORTANT! This is not a guide for you, if...
- ... you want to experience the awesome questing zones that Draenor offers. Really. If it's your first time leveling, take and enjoy your time, you can still be quite fast without pushing the limits.
- ... you want to level as a group. This is a SOLO run. As of the current build there is no group xp bonus so you will miss some experince and won't level up at the end of each zone when doing this route as a group. While good organized small groups can (and in my opinion will) be faster in the later zones, it's the critical Frostfire Ridge, that is important to finish as fast as possible on release day to get ahead of the pack. A group will slow you down there.
- ... you plan on otherwise min-maxing Garrison progression for endgame raiding. Buying XP potions all the time will set you back on resources. You may be 100 3 hours earlier but spend more than this to get the resources back you "wasted".
- ... you just boosted a character to 90, got some Timeless Isle gear and want to get teh sevrer frsts1!. It will require decent gear, practice and the right class to achieve similar times.
Notes before we start with the route:
- This is NOT a guide for the average joe who wants to skip the leveling proces. This writeup is directed towards people that want to push for server firsts and have the resources to do so (e.g. good gear, the right class /spec ect.).
- This is NOT a complete written guide. The major key is the maps. The notes are there to give tips, understand the route and find the treasures easier. Basically if you see a number on the map, look it up in the notes.
- Questing in WoD is pretty streamlined, only at some points you can decide between different quest hubs. If nothing is mentioned just follow the questline, otherwise look at my map and you'll see where to go next.
- If you get into a new hub, accept all quests.
- Keep an eye on your XP potion buff and keep it up 100%. (Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning - Purchased from Inn Keeper inside your Garrison) Always make sure to have a spare one in your inventory and rebuy it if you have to. You do when using Hearthstone in a zone by using your Garrison hearthstone first to buy the potion.
- Kill rares along the way to have enough resources to buy XP potions and still be able to start working on your garrison without much disadvantage.
- Color order on the maps is: red -> orange -> blue -> green -> purple
- ...except for Gorgrond: red -> blue -> green)
Additional quick tips:
- Get AutoTurnIn! I cannot stress this enough. Thank me later.
- Only loot mobs you really have to loot.
- On the same note, get yourself a Loot-A-Rang if you're an Engineer. Really. That thing has changed my life.
- Use and rotate your three guild standards ( Battle Standard of Coordination, Standard of Unity and Banner of Cooperation )! They work for treasures, put one down everytime it's ready and you're about to loot one.
- Use your mounts wisely. Waterstrider for most of Talador and everytime your bags are going to be full any minute, use your Mammoth while going from point A to B and sell on the run.
It's not only highly recommended but necessary to have completed 25 daily quests before heading to Tanaan Jungle in order to make this route work. If you don't have prepared 25 quests, just add more quests at the end of this zone in order to get 92.
There are 8 elite beasts in Gorgrond that are somewhat special. Not only do we need to kill everyone of them for Gorgrond Monster Hunter achievement, each also drops an item that starts a quest and is worth alot of experience. They have a large hp pool and little boss like mechanics. I think they can be quite tough to solo for some classes or people without decent gear outside of your Shredder zone ability. The beasts are marked with skulls on the maps.
I haven't put treasures on those maps as there are just too many, please use your TomTom and the choordinates at the bottom of this guide.
Blizzard nerfed bone farming so this route is outdated. Just do all the quests you encounter, you can still follow this route for most parts
Loot every beast in Nagrand! They drop Meaty Soup Bones, which can be turned in at an endless quest in the Ring of Trials.
TomTom Treasure Choords
I'll add the waypoints to all the treasures mentioned above so you have them on your map ingame. Combined with the pictures they should be easy to find if you know where and what to look after
You'll need both the TomTom and Paste addon. Descriptions are on their respective Curse page.
TomTom is currently not working as intended but the author said it'll be fixed until WoD release.
A near complete list of all the choordinates including respective treasure names can be found here.
Requested Choords List. This list ist for some parts outdated and incomplete but will cover most the treasures you pick in this route.