- 65
- 2019
- 47
- [Location, Faction, Race] Dragon Soul (Raid)
- [Name, Type] Warlord Zon'ozz, Creatures
- [Problem Description] Warlord Zon'ozz summons a Void of the Unmaking. This void travels forward until it encounters a player, then freezes and the boss casts "Black Blood Eruption" .
- [How it should work] When the Void collides whit a player it diffuses, inflicting 180000 shadow damage split evenly between nearby players. The force of this diffusion causes the void to ricochet in the opposite direction, and the absorbed souls increase the damage the Void inflicts by 20% per diffusion. "Black Blood Eruption"= If the Void reaches the outer edges of the Maw of Go'rath, will deal 60000 shadow damage to all targets and knock them into the air.